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on Cape Cod, MA
(Town Common)

Established on Jan 27th, 2005
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Just a colorful divider

Has anyone noticed the blooming of the Shad Bush and the coincidental arrival of the fish at the herring runs? Herring are not as low life as some might think. They get imprinted on the fresh water they are spawned in, and somehow know to return some years later. Mini brains but super capable navigators.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 05/02/2024 - 17:42:18
We elected these people. Mr Schell and Ms Davis have an obvious conflict of interest in pushing this - along with strings being pulled by Mr Oppenheim. Two members of the Select Board should NOT be calling the shots of the AHT. It's time for residents to smarten up and see the damage these people are doing to our town. Please re-elect Mr Metters and Mr Nicastro who genuinely have our best interests at heart and think about replacing Mr Schell and company next year (or before) when their terms are up. They will make Chatham an absolute mess if continue to get their way. This is not a transparent form of government. These are sneaky, dangerous people .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 09:38:21
For residents, voters and taxpayers who will be directly impacted 'in perpetuity", we only learned Tuesday that review of RFPs received yesterday,the review and final decision of who the developer will be for the Affordable/Attainable housing for the Buckley property and Meetinghouse, will instead be made behind closed doors in Executive Sessions by the AH Trustees an the Select Board alone. The AH Trustees wanted sole authority to make the decision. That should never happen. They are appointed- not elected. Despite assurances otherwise, the public will NOT be permitted to participate in any open public discussion-to see the proposals, ask questions about potential developers credentials, proposed elevation and layout designs, density, water usage, parking, traffic implications, percentage of 1,2 and 3 bedrooms and their AMI unit deed restrictions, local preference for town residents, full time vs workforce housing units, whether there will be market rate for those who don't qualify for AH, costs of each proposal to taxpayers, or apparently the conditions negotiated on the land Deed Transfer to the chosen developer BEFORE a decision is made, It is, in my view, a serious failure of the process, a total lack of transparency, and shows utter disdain for all Chatham residents who will be expected to live with the consequences, the impact on our town forever, and pay the bill.
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 07:37:58
I am watching this meeting and I find it interesting Mr Dykens and company seem to forget - THEY WORK FOR US - the taxpayers. Not their own self interests .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 18:44:41
My parents always called it the "boulevard", although now it is known as Shore Road. Went by there today - the flowers at CBI are spectacular !
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 17:17:11
This was from one of my friends that wants the word to get out:: The debacle with the Affordable Housing Trust and Select Board has reached a new high in "no transparency and unlimited spending" by 7 Board members...Mr Schell is asking for the power of all decisions ( acquisition of property, use of all funds in AffHT Fund ( 670.000.00 of which came from Town Manager's Free Cash ) borrowing more funds, requesting funds annually from CPA, hiring managers, consultants, developers, etc and choosing plans for houses to be built) He just had an "internal meeting "with Chair of SB, Town Staff and Jill and Town lawyer) this should have been a public meeting. On Tuesday Schell will ask SB to give he and his AFHT Board full power, We elected the SB but we sure did not elect the AffHousing Trust Board, The Proposals from developers will not be shared with the public...they are due April 25..All decisions and discussions will be in executive session so the public will not be able to watch or speak. The papers are not available from the developers..I already asked ,,the Town lawyer is using a procurement law to prevent the Town from knowing anything about what is going on. I think we are moving to a new variety of govt...similar to what goes on in third world countries. Please pass this on to others. The Internal meeting that took place did not include the 5 members of the Select Board,,,only the Chair. If you have the time to watch this meeting ,,SB..Tuesday nite at 5:30. It is time to stop this power grab .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/23/2024 - 06:30:53
This was done a few years ago at Chatham Airport. I was there and watched them practice.
Judy P
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 04/22/2024 - 17:46:04
M Reed:
Thanks. I have been around a lot of military planes during my 20 years in the US Navy. None were of this concentrated power. IE, loud.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 04/22/2024 - 16:26:53
Richard, going back a week here, the two planes may have been National Guard spring training. About this same time last year I was in a store next the the Hyannis airport and two of them were doing "touch and go" maneuvers at a high speed at building height, 25 - 30', down the runway. It was amazing to watch, even for this private pilot. Then they circled around the area at a very low height for another 10 minutes or so.
M Reed <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 04/22/2024 - 12:02:29
Wayne, I was talking about something the other day and said that it happened on
"the boulevard". They didn't know where it was.

Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/21/2024 - 21:17:30
The North Light was made of cast iron plates, bolted together on the inside. When it was moved, I believe it was actually transported to Eastham by a pair of oxen pulling on a "barge".
Back then a barge was a large wheeled vehicle used to carry large loads. Initially, some thought the Light would have been transported by a barge at at sea. Think about that! How would one move the tower pieces from the site, down the bluff, onto a floating barge, then move it up to Eastham and move the pieces up the bluff?
When I asked Dave Ryder about if he remembered the wagon/barge going by his home in Chatham, he said " I don't know - my Dad was Officer in Charge of the Gloucester CG Station, and we were living in Gloucester at the time."
I wonder how long the trip might have taken.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/21/2024 - 19:03:27
You are all great! Thank you.
Chatham , MA USA - Sun 04/21/2024 - 13:42:50
Go to to see some remarkable photos taken by USCG and USN photographers of the work being done at the Key bridge. Looks like it won't be too long before the stuck ship is able to be moved.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 18:56:25
I had to explain this to my wife who comes from Eastham, the town who inherited one of "the lights" in 1923. Yes, Dick is correct in his response. With generations of past Chathamites having referred to the twin lights this way, the name was passed down and yes today a few of the locals still use it. Some traditions die hard.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 18:14:50
The "lights" are in front of the Coast Guard Station.
Judy P
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 17:02:55
Allow me to answer. The "Lights" refer to the site of the former Twin Lights of Chatham that were there until 1923. The North tower was removed and taken by ox cart to Eastham and reerected. Repainted with a red top in 1940 I believe.
Yes , those of us who have been around Chatham a while still call it the Lights.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 16:49:02
I guess AK is new around here. Tell him Jared.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 16:31:44
Jared, I have a question. When you wrote you could see Nantucket "from the lights"- where are "the lights" you speak of. Thank you.

Chatham , MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 14:49:07
Ok, I'll take the bait: so why didn't the police know about the the drug dealing in West Chatham? Or did they?
Dave Mullingar <>
West Chatham , MA USA - Sat 04/20/2024 - 10:17:42
When I see Stan I'll tell him John. I run into him at the Post Office off and on. Thanks for bringing the room back to Chatham topics.
Judy P
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/19/2024 - 17:31:57
I miss the mail box on the tall pole on Barn Hill Road that said "air mail".
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/19/2024 - 16:26:59
I posted here because on the chance that there are Chatham boat owners have their boats moored in Harwich waters they wish to know about this.

USA - Fri 04/19/2024 - 08:34:44
Alan,that Chronicle article you refer to was about Harwich - not Chatham.Maybe that's why no one in Chatham has commented. Why don't you write on a Harwich page since you live in Harwich. We have plenty of other issues to keep us busy.
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/19/2024 - 07:59:55
Chronicle articulated-Mooring Delays: I am very surprised that none of the Chatham Folks/boat owners have commented about this issue-why? There is a story within the story that should concern voters. At least as how the reporter lays out the piece.

Whenever one learns that in the deliberation process there was 21/2 minutes are missing from a video tape from an open public session meeting, something might be up. Of course one could ask how vital were the missing minutes to the outcome, why did the blackout occur, and was there some "light" shutdown during the water committee hearing? Yes, we call this gov't transparency.

While many might not be boat owners and a contract that removes an existing viable service provider and replaces the program who charges more than 3 times the costs which ultimately are going to fall on the taxpayer, this should be concerning. Gov't reasoning for the occurrence seems to fall on prerequisites not being met and the new fees being charged by new company are "Within line what others" are charging. The latter is nonsense.

Something does not sound right here.

USA - Thu 04/18/2024 - 22:27:56
When is the next meeting of the Nauset Lighthouse group? I have some stuff to give to them, and a piece of the old Chatham Main Street School slate roof for you. Somehow Dianne Matteson was able to capture a few pieces, and she gave me one.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 17:40:05
I check Marine daily. As of this afternoon at the Key bridge there were 28 vessels of various kinds Tugs, barges, crane barges, like the Chesapeake 1000 working in the area. Chatham connection?
There is a Jay Cashman dredge there as well., picking up the smaller pieces from the river floor. Jay Cashman has an interest in Strong Island , as well as returning the CG boathouse to Mitchell River eventually.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 17:35:39
Bill P: While some duplicates may be result of user actions, there's an apparent bug somewhere in the HCoop system that seems to redo a post at some random time after the original.
It even happened to me once, and when the duplicate occurred, I wasn't even on the website!
Unfortunately, because HCoop is a volunteer organization, tech support isn't really available for some things.

J Hallgren (as Moderator)
Clearwater , FL USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 15:17:55
I now see how we get double posts. I posted using my phone earlier. I always used a computer before. After submitting I get the message the post did not go through due to posting again to fast. I only did it once. I ignored that and checked the Chatham room and it did post. I wonder if people see that and post again. Maybe an Iphone glitch.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 14:14:34
I got a text from Eversource that said it was animal contact
USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 13:20:39
Looks like the whole town is out of power. What happened?
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 12:52:35
Dollar Stores
There may have been too many, but the company themselves indicates shoplifting and inflation are the reasons for closing

USA - Wed 04/17/2024 - 06:44:06
Conditions were clear enough today from the lights to see the steep elevation of Siasconset. Through the binoculars, the Nantucket tree line, 'Sconset water tower and Sankaty Light were all visible.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/16/2024 - 18:38:32
John, you left out the biggest reason for inflation. The out of control spending by the federal Gov. We exported inflation for years and now it catching up to us.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/16/2024 - 17:36:38
A few comments on a couple subjects. In the 1960's, Chatham had an A & P. a First National, Rupert's Market, the Northport Market, Atwood's Store and Roy Bearse's. Grocery margins were a little better. We also had 12 gas stations.
Two auto dealerships, and about half as many year-round people

On the inflation issue, we are still suffering from the near-shutdown from covid. Supply chains have never fully recovered, plus the American public is in an expansive phase and demand is extremely strong. As the US becomes a less-friendly
trader with China, we can expect continued inflation on many consumer goods. The
addition of protective tariffs will make it worse. This is not a political view,
just a real expectation when tariffs are imposed.

Christmas Tree Shops closed because of poor management by TJX. Dollar Stores because there are too many.

Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/16/2024 - 17:01:22
Perhaps I can explain why I mentioned using potentially vacant Airport land for including a Market Basket store along with what the LTE writer had mentioned. More folks would benefit from another use of the Airport property if it were converted and not used any more for the 1% of Chatham residents who do use it.
Yes, as a kid our family would go up and watch the planes takeoff and land. I knew of Wilfred Berube.

Driving by recently, there was ONE plane tied down on the tarmac. I expect that the usage increases in the summer.
Bottom line: Does the airport generate enough revenue to pay the bills? It is not like paying for Public Schools, the Fire and Police Departments, the Highway Department. Everyone benefits from those publicly supported endeavors.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 04/16/2024 - 16:52:49
High groceries, some may have to take a ride in there pick-ups and see what else going on "around town".Thievery is out of control. In some locals, the big chain stores cannot afford to stay open because of it. Time was that when someone stole a high end product in a drug store like nail polish, that was considered a big deal.

Take a ride down to Yonkers, yes Yonkers. Folks fill up large black plastic bags that are so heavy, they are literally dragging them out of the store right in front of security guards. And if they are "caught by police and arrested, they are out doing the very same thing the next day. You wish other examples, go to a Target store in Watertown Ma. Even the underwear is locked up, you cannot buy any, unless you ask a clerk for assistance-underwire? And then what about the smash and grabs, you may not see these in Chatham yet, but indirectly you are paying for it, how in the cost averaging in the overall cost of goods by the accountants in these big stores. And you need a new Beamer, no need to go to a BMW dealership, crews out there will get you just what you wish, it may be a bit Luke warm, but for half the price. And if you feel a bit insecure with this kind of shopping, go to the internet and shop with the known biggies there. Who do you think pays for all this nonsense?

Closer to home you have the Christmas Tree Shops, the Dollar Stores, why do you think they are closing?

USA - Tue 04/16/2024 - 07:46:34
You will not get any argument fro anyone on this site or elsewhere, yes groceries are increasing not just in Chatham or Eastam but it has zero to do with the Chatham Airport as you seem to be suggesting. That airport could be sold tomorrow and it would have zero impact on habitat homes, not now or in the future.

Anyone outside this administration knows well the higher costs across the board are due to inflation which is still not in check, oil prices which will more than likely increase another 20 cents a gallon due to formula changes and reliance on imports, credit card debt exploding, and the catastrophic
Expenditures to support the migrant crisis.

And all these supermarkets that have closed in the past are to some degree similar issues that Jetblue and Spirit air are facing. Both of these companies need some kind of assistance, good companies, but they are showing major signs of cracking. It would be ashame if they fall by the wayside as well

Oh ya and the T38 was a 2seat jet "fighter"used for decades as a trainer.

Finally the US has Boeing, one of America's best companies. In some cases, not all ,but in some case issues that are not even in their control. What Boeing does not need is the media placing fear into the American public just as they did with COVID. Watch out for those who have mastered the deed of sincerity when nothing could be farther from the truth.

USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 21:02:44
And of course Havens for meat.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 18:55:26
Joblot was also a S&S. So at one time we had an A&P, S&S, Downtown Market, North Port Market and South Chatham market along with Cumberland Farms.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 18:54:25
Imagine some Habitat Homes, a helo port, and a Market Basket Supermarket that undercuts Stop and Shop and Shaw's being in what is now totally cleared and level land. AKA Chatham Airport.

The Town of Chatham could lease the land to MB, which has been precluded from coming out here due to S&S buying vacant potential properties in Harwich and Eastham. (The former car dealership on Rte 137, and T-time in Eastham) Yes, they did buy those properties and put exclusions in the deeds so no other supermarket could be put there.

Keep in mind there were two A and P's in Chatham, along with a First National Store where the Yellow Umbrella is now. Ocean State Job Lot was formerly one of the A&P stores.
Who does the Select Board serve? The very few people who have their own planes, or the rest of the people who would like to save significant money on groceries?

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 17:19:58
John Sweeney's letter to the editor in the Chronicle made
some great points.

Chatham , MA USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 09:06:12
Richard, there's two types of Talons..the T-38 and the MC-130H Combat Talon II as I found at
J Hallgren (as user)
Clearwater , FL USA - Mon 04/15/2024 - 03:21:03
I for one am happy to have the airport nearby and to live under the flight pattern. As a kid, I spent most of my time hanging around the airport. I was mentored by Jim McDevitt, who with his wife Michelle, operated the Flying Circus. Jim had served as a helicopter pilot in Vietnam, and later made a good career as a captain with USAirways. I was taken into the fold of the CQX family and never forgot it. "Lonesome Joe" Gomes who was a U.S. Navy veteran of both World War II and Korea was a regular at Chatham Airport. He paid for my first flight lesson and to this day I keep a photo on my desk of a 12 year old me with Joe in front of a Cessna 172 at CQX.

I've heard the argument of exclusivity at the airport before. I don't support it. The Town owns a golf course I don't patronize and if I want to go to the beach, I have to buy a sticker to go there even though the Town I pay taxes to, owns it. You won't be kicked out of the airport if you're not a pilot.

Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 19:15:46
Can one imagine how many Habitat For Humanity homes could be incorporated along with the solar panels to support them? Arguing over how many trees need to be trimmed to make the runways safe for larger planes is going no where.
And, do the taxpayers of Chatham really need to support Sky Diving businesses? Wilfred Berube built the airport by himself, with support from I believe Mrs Shattuck from Chatham . Does Shattuck Place ring a bell?

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 19:08:09
Airports are fun and their planes are as much or more. They provide a place to explore, discover and learn. No better place to find out about physics. This is especially true of the smaller general aviation airports.

The spirit of aviation provides excitement that no solar panel farm could ever begin to offer. Instead of attempts to close the airport down, it should be embraced

USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 18:34:27
Chatham Airport would be a great site for a solar panel array!
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 17:54:31
As Jim knows, a C-130 opens from the back. I have been a passenger in a C-130. Belted in on a canvas seat. Scary on takeoff when you might fall out from the opening on a steep ascent.
A Talon has only room for a pilot.
Are there any comments on turning Chatham Airport over to the rest of the taxpayers, rather than the 1 percent who actually use it? I know Barry Fulcher and Ross Gould have both had planes there. That was then.
There were airfields in Eastham and Orleans that are no longer. The roads in Eastham are Runway Lane and North Forty where the field was.
Seems to me that one could use the Barnstable air port just as easily to get to Chatham by air.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 17:40:50
Richard, it is a highly modified C-130 used by Special Ops for denied entry operations. Pretty cool bird.
USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 17:32:06
Jim P:
I looked up Talon aircraft and it doesn't seem to be same type of aircraft you describe. It sounds like a C-130 to me.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 16:46:17
The fact that there were two aircraft explains why the noise was extended. I caught a glimpse of apparently the second one as it was over the Bay over Billingsgate shoal.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 13:13:06
Air Guard pilots are amongst the best. Back in the day they flew my Team into a mission in Norway where we "tailgated" (jumped) from the combat Talon onto an ice flow to do an intelligence collection mission. We flew "nap-of-earth" from Germany into Norway with a number of false "pop-ups" so the Soviets couldn't figure our actual jump point. But as we were map-tracking our route into our insertion point, you could hear the tree-tops brushing against the fuselage they were flying so low. At our release point, the moment the tailgate lowered we were falling out (couldn't really jump as we were each carrying about 200 pounds of kit on the jump, the AF Loadmasters would pull jus to our feet and we'd waddle off the tailgate), we were SO glad to get off that aircraft. That was one of my favorite missions to this day. Winter in Norway. Joy.
USA - Sun 04/14/2024 - 08:53:46
Up until 1993, we had (SAC Strategic Air Command) protecting the USA 24-7 and on east coast we had the 99th bomb wing out of Holyoke Ma., However that mission has long since ended. Through 1975 all 52's were loaded with nuclear warheads.

The F15's probably being flown by Guard pilots out of Otis and while a few crews may have been upgraded to 24-7, While anything and everything is possible, I would suspect the Otis crews are being prepared to support overseas operations if needed.

USAF and Guard bases have placed their security police operations on heightened alert to protect against terroristic threats on the bases themselves. But then again, what would I know

USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 23:17:42
Further information on F-15s. Appeared to be two Strike Eagles rolling out over the bay off Eastham.
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 20:18:34
I'd like to think the entire country and all our bases are on high alert right now.
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 18:58:35
I presume it was an F-15 that flew over Eastham this morning.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 17:05:54
Richard: They were apparently F-15s and there were at least two.
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 16:48:41
Mid morning today a very powerful plane flew over Eastham, the likes of which we have not heard since being here over 30 years. I did get a glimpse of it as it headed West, apparently towards the former Otis AFB. It was to me a fighter jet, flying quite low. Was this seen and heard anywhere else on the Outer Cape?
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 04/13/2024 - 16:42:34

You expecting company?

USA - Thu 04/11/2024 - 20:17:28
I've been reading about the problem of squatters in California, Florida and
Texas. Does anyone know of any squatter incidences here on Cape Cod?

Chatham, MA USA - Thu 04/11/2024 - 16:57:14
Well said Shareen!
Tony Murphy
USA - Wed 04/10/2024 - 22:01:18
That's why I only discussed the drug dealing aspect, not the other stuff. And that needs to be discussed.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 04/10/2024 - 16:06:26
Folks, Let's be sensitive to the absolute tragic event that occurred this week in town. There may be some folks impacted by the loss of life who read this chat room . SD
Shareen Davis <>
WEST CHATHAM, MA USA - Wed 04/10/2024 - 15:05:44
Breaking bad in Chatham, who knew. $50,000 found with the drugs. This was no small operation.

If you don't know what I'm talking about go read the Chronicle.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 04/10/2024 - 12:07:01
What's with the violent weather on both coasts and an earthquake in NJ? Hope Chatham folks were safe and dry as we had blowing sand here enough for plows! See you soon!
Emily <>
Rancho irage, CA USA - Tue 04/09/2024 - 19:34:30
I remember the eclipse of 1970. We poked a hole in some paper and viewed the eclipse on the piece of paper below. This was in North Chatham. We enjoyed viewing the partial annular eclipse this past October 2023 and viewed it with special eclipse glasses. Yesterday's eclipse was only a 1/4 eclipse here in NoCal, so we took a walk in the park with the pup.. What a great way to start the week.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Tue 04/09/2024 - 04:49:56
There is a fantastic website to view progress at the Key Bridge site. It is
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 04/08/2024 - 11:49:30
1970 eclipse - As the sun rose early, Ralph and I set roughly 2000 baited hooks at "slack water" on the shallow part of Great Hill Ground, directly in the path of the expected eclipse. We averaged more than a pound of haddock per hook, then set another 2000 baited hooks during the darkening. We started hauling the gear when the sun re-appeared, adding 3000 more pounds of haddock and a few codfish to the record catch. That was, by far, the best fishing day that Ralph Long and I ever shared! Times have changed.
BobR <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 04/08/2024 - 08:39:41
I do remember the eclipse in 1970.I was working at Chatham Mobil and we could see it over the Oyster Pond.
Tommy Doane <>
CHATHAM, MA USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 21:52:30
I do remember that eclipse. I was working at the Northport Restaurant and we went outside and were able to create images of the sun using a colander. I think the skies were as hazy as my memory of the event. I was a senior in High School at the time.
Allen Robert Boyce
West Hartford, CT USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 21:31:12
Sorry about the double post but Firefox or the server at the CHAT-M-Room got confused.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 21:12:04
Does anyone remember the one in 1970 that was total on Nantucket and Monomoy Point? I was here for that one and the Chatham had several thousand people in town.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 21:04:41
Does anyone remember the one in 1970 that was total on Nantucket and Monomoy Point? I was here for that one and the Chatham had several thousand people in town.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 21:03:34
88% eclipse for us tomorrow peak about 3:30PM. Nice sunny day so it should be a good viewing.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 04/07/2024 - 17:21:40
When people remember President John Kennedy, they remember Nov.22 1963, The same would hold true For Attorney General Robert Kennedy and his death out in Ca. Few remember their birthdays.

When I am in NJ, my home is lss than 10 miles from the center of the quake and I was in my home yesterday. What is somewhat unknown, that where the center of the quake happened, there is large man made lake.Commonly referred to as Round Valley). The waters here are near 200ft deep and around the lake are dams These waters have huge pressures bearing down on it. There is major concern now, that one key dam could break. If this were to happen, on a comparative bases, towns like Harwich and Chatham would be completely wiped out.

Most of the residents are oblivious to the dams and the fact that Army Corp of engineers have been out evaluating and patching them over the past 3 years.

USA - Sat 04/06/2024 - 19:22:40
What's with the violent weather on both coasts and an earthquake in NJ? Hope Chatham folks were safe and dry as we had blowing sand here enough for plows! See you soon!
Emily <>
Rancho irage, CA USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 20:35:10
MLK Day is celebrated to mark his birthday, not the day he died.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 17:08:01
NBC,abc,cbs did nit touch the subject on nightly news

USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 14:13:09
I did feel the EQ, barely. I was in my recliner and felt it move a little and wondered if we had a mini EQ.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 11:51:06
Alan, it was all over the news with interviews with the MLK's family.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 11:43:26
Did anyone in feel the 4.8 earthquake this morning? Epicenter was in Lebanon, NJ. The USGS website shows that there were reports from Cape Cod.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 04/05/2024 - 11:36:51
That April 13 1950 article must have tripled the sales/readership of the Cape Codder. Who
wrote this super interesting piece, a family member?

What is unusual about today's date in history, was Martin Luther King being assassinated in 1968, I did not hear of any news agency or group mentioning it

USA - Thu 04/04/2024 - 20:09:43
A red cedar tree is also know as savin , which contains something known back then as an aborefacient.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 04/04/2024 - 19:05:40
A league is 3.45 miles. So maybe Captain Bob Ryder can tell us where this island was in todays terms as far as certain grounds are known.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 04/04/2024 - 16:40:40
In an April 13, 1950 issue of the Cape Codder, I read of an island "three leagues off Chatham" known by the early settlers as Webb's Island. Nantucketers were known to come to this large island and harvest red cedar trees which grew there. Centuries later, Dave Ryder would occasionally hook on a cedar stump while hook fishing on what was then shoal water for him. There are visible cedar stumps at low tide on Cook's Brook Beach here in Eastham.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 04/04/2024 - 16:37:28
Congrats to Jason Holm. I would like to offer a suggestion for navigation around and through the Pleasant Bay inlets. First and foremost the high flyers that are currently being used as channel markers should be changed to a much larger marker. They high flyers are very hard to see when returning to the inlets. I would like to have the Harbormaster post online the current layout of buoy placements at the inlets and throughout the bay. As it stands now, if the boys are relocated mariners have no way of knowing until they have to find the new locations on their own with no charted locations published. Seems like an easy thing for the Harbormaster to do not to mention improving the safety of the waterways.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Thu 04/04/2024 - 08:06:08
I agree Dick. Jason has more than earned the position and title of Harbormaster. He's one of the most skilled and even tempered people I've ever known. The Town is better for this.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 04/03/2024 - 18:58:23
Nice to read in the early Chronicle that Jason Holm is the new Harbormaster. Certainly more qualified than any before him.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 04/03/2024 - 17:47:45
Richard,I guess you'll have to use your imagination. There are times I use a laptop and there occurs some auto changes by Apple
USAoMes - Wed 04/03/2024 - 08:26:18
Alan, your message needs some language clarification. For example, souls vs soles.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 04/02/2024 - 18:48:30
Still yet a new issue coming with affordable housing is the thought of " SQUATTERS". A subject that the average Chathamite might not be concerned with, but I am sure all the New Yorkers, know only too well.

Like a new movie coming to your area soon. Once folks have established themselves, in a property owners are finding it near impossible to remove the "Evictees". Some have become very clever, to the point of drawing up fake contracts making it near impossible for the police to take an immediate action. This area is a potential bonanza for this actioni, if you get my drift.

The beginning answer, local officials should be proactive to assist owners in the prompt removal to protect against major distraction of private property. They should be updating police procedures and specifically laws to address issues that grow out of control

Should redemption occur in this thinking, maybe. Still yet another thought in the whole equation is the children, migrant children as many might think this crazy, but the kids did not walk across the border for free. There is a huge debt that must be paid to their "GUIDES". It's not mentioned, but do we have slave labor occurring? Don't think for a second that if these obligations are not met, your local debt collector moves to collect. I would be surprised that the men working on the bridge had union books. May their soles RIP.

USA - Tue 04/02/2024 - 18:28:25
I have a bunch of early Cape Codder newspapers - some going back to the 4th weekly edition in 1946. There are a lot of cool articles in these, as well as advertisements for a twin engine plane flight departing from Eastham to Boston on a regular basis. And inexpensive house lots for sale.
You can see my email address.
Contact me if you are interested in seeing these, or actually taking all of them when I am finished reading them.
I did find a photo of the 1888 US LifeSaving Station Chatham Crew, which I had not seen before.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 04/02/2024 - 17:17:43
Has all the rain shut down the CHAT-M-Room?
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 04/02/2024 - 15:51:46
AK -I would suggest calling Gloria McPhearson who is the housing coordinator for the town. There is "attainable" housing and there is 40B housing. I do not believe anyone from anywhere in Massachusetts is excluded from moving into these proposed units. You may want to Google 40 B housing to learn more about it. If you call Gloria she will give you accurate information. There are so many stories floating around town as to what is allowed, etc, your best bet is to get the info directly from her.
Judy P
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/30/2024 - 18:49:18
Affordable housing. AK I think many people see this in very different ways. Forgetting about the types of wage earners you discussed, one needs to look at the concept as it is viewed now and whether it will change in the future. Affordable housing on the whole, is not suppose to be transitional housing. In addition it is now the case that it is not for emergency situations nor is it thought of for those who are gravely in need of financial help. It is currently considered for established households who are working and where folks have jobs.

It follows then, where Chatham residents are concerned, local officials/residents need to decide their intentions and whether there is willingness to deviate from any of the above. Besides just the subject of affordable housing, you can be sure Chatham's Social Services and Welfare Dept. will be a huge roll of this issue which forgive me, there seems to little discussion. My guess it will be nearly a year or more before any residents move in and the way folks think, will more then likely change.

I am sure others have other thoughts, but you can be sure money will enter into the game and it will not be just the cost of the units (ie long term funding will become absolutely necessary). Please surprise me and explain how this will become a self sustaining operation, no matter what track of thought you are in. Happy Easter to all

USA - Sat 03/30/2024 - 17:50:27
Please clarify for me: Affordable housing is open to anyone in the state. Teachers, firefighters, policemen and most retirees won't qualify because they earn too much. Therefore the units which are proposed may not necessarily go to locals in need. ????
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/30/2024 - 10:30:11
Elaine - I was reminded by one of my friends last night when Ron Bergstrom was selectman and raised his voice and was rude to a resident. He resigned shortly after that. Open mic Schell should resign for his total lapse of judgment. The other Board members should not dismiss this. This is no way for an arrogant selectman who seems to feel he is above others - to act. He should resign if he feels the public HE serves are the expletive he called them.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/28/2024 - 13:24:45
It was so chilling to see the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. How horrifying it must have been for the workers that perished. It will take years to rebuild. Yes, this is a major blow to the east coast. It will take years to rebuild. This tragedy reminds me of the collapse of the Bay Bridge in San Francisco during the 1989 Loma Prieta 6.4 earthquake. Rest in Peace.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Thu 03/28/2024 - 11:50:37
"Open mic, Mike" is a perfect moniker for Mr.Schell. I heard it as well. It's not the first time and it won't be the last.
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 22:05:51
Piloting a ship that size under a narrow bridge requires a certain forward speed to maintain control of the ship.

Dave Ryder and I went under the Essex CT train bridge in early December with a wooden boat I was responsible for. We had to maintain a speed high enough to be in control. The "window pane" ice chewed upon her bow, but that was dealt with in the Spring haulout . Thanks to sawdust mixed with epoxy.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 18:04:04
AH - I heard that as well. Unbelievable. I wish we were all able to tell him on an open mike exactly what we think of him. I was pretty shocked as well that after reading all those letters against music for LaPlaya they still issued the license for music. I'd be so angry if I was a neighbor living near there. Bill Riley acted like a child getting up saying he represented the Squire and if LaPlaya got the approval for music he'd file paperwork for the Squire to have outdoor entertainment as well. You can bet open mic Mike wouldn't stand for that in his backyard. My sympathies go to all the neighbors that are unfortunate enough to live near there. Remember this when Mr Schell's term expires next year.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 17:49:01
This will all be revealed, but one can see the port side anchor of the container ship has been deployed. With a massive ship that size, and with her forward speed, dropping an anchor to stop it would seem to be a futile action. It may have been done after the allision.
Interesting that the word allision does not appear in on line dictionaries but is a common term among professional mariners. They like to avoid a situation like that.
I see on Marine that there are a bunch of Mcallister tugboats to the West of the bridge. They could be employed to pull the bridge sections clear of the channel. There was a USCG buoy tender there earlier today, but she has departed the area.
This may not be relevant to Chatham directly, but it will have an impact on all of us.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 17:35:18
"Open mic Mike" caught last night calling a concerned resident a "pain in the a$$". He thinks he knows what is best for all of us long time Chatham folk. Agree with Ms. Patterson that he should be one and done.
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 16:09:57
Some interesting facts being reported out was that the Dali left the port of Baltimore at 12.28 AM. The ship was traveling at a speed of 8 knots/24 km per hr. The lights on the steamer flickered on an off once or twice, however the crew reported they lost all power and propulsion at 1:24 AM. So yes, the shipn veered off course, but it would be interesting to know the exact reported time the Dali hit the pylon.

Alan Wirsul
USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 14:24:52
My daughter lives about 5 miles from the bridge and was up with her baby at 1:30. She said it sounded like a low flying plane for about 15 seconds but knew it wasn't one because the sound didn't trial off, it ended too abruptly. Hard to imagine that twisting sound of steel in the middle of the night and wondering what it could be.
M Reed <>
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 13:59:30
Richard, is it possible that the anchor drop caused the hard turn into the bridge. It seems if they just kept straight they would have missed. Why the sudden turn.

I remember Schwarzkopf when he talked about the lucky guy in Iraq who just went over the bridge before being bombed. Imagine those vehicles seeing the bridge collapse behind them.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/27/2024 - 07:27:43
Probably the commands given by the ship's captain and the advice given by the pilots are recorded somewhere . It Doesn't matter - the bridge is in the water, and this affects everyone on the coast of New England . Just moments before the bridge went down, there were trailer trucks going over it.
Stuff happens, but not usually to this degree.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 03/26/2024 - 17:55:07
Some years ago Captain Bob Ryder corrected me on my use of the word collision to describe an event when a ship runs in to a fixed object. He pointed out that if a moving vessel hits a fixed object, that is an allision. If two ships hit each other while underway , that is a collision.
I can't imagine the nightmare scenario that happened earlier this morning when a huge container ship lost power approaching the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 03/26/2024 - 16:22:39
At least they didn't use Pomeroy & Associates who taxpayers have paid hundred of thousands dollars to. Remember - any "consultant" the Town hires is going to come up with exactly what they're told to do. The only issue I disagree with on the newest plan is the space they've carved out for an adult daycare center. The expense is huge and one that can be avoided if we continue to utilize Orleans. The director of the COA did not provide any credible numbers in her grant application as to numbers of folks that want to attend vs folks going to Orleans. . When questioned by Board of Selectmen she did the same. We can save ourselves money and make that area the great room. Folks are already complaining - because there's not a big enough room to hold "bigger events". This could be a win win situation for all if they don't get greedy as in the past with the ridiculous plan for 1610.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/26/2024 - 16:04:38
The BOS keep going back to the same people for studies year after year in Chatham.
The Yarmouth firm did a second study of the COAL facility pointing out the same problems plus a few more this year.
Why not try another architectural firm?
Maybe some new and fresh idea's with a new set of eyes and
The cost could be covered by the possible savings in a new plan.

Bill B
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/26/2024 - 13:12:42
Chatham will never have a year around economy. Never. They better get the water situation under control before they worry about solar power and other "green saving"'initiatives. I would put little stock into anything Mr Schell says. Hopefully he's a one term selectman.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/26/2024 - 12:09:15
Just read the article on deed restricted properties in the Chronicle. Am I the only person who does not agree with Schell that Chatham should have a year round economy. I moved here from the busy city to avoid that. Where will the water come from to sustain 12 month housing if we have difficulty providing a water supply for two months in the summer ? Also those houses still on septic will need major upgrades if they are active 12 months of the year.
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/25/2024 - 09:42:03
Drove by Harding Shores this afternoon - first time ever. A few homes had cars, but those few were from CT or NY. Had no idea how elaborate some of those homes were. Even though they are mostly well above sea level, some are totally at risk if and when there is a major hurricane.
Interesting to see a flock of Brant hanging around an old rock jetty.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/23/2024 - 17:41:41
Just watched the 3/18 presentation on renovation of the CFAL, and was disappointed. Fortunately, the absurd concept of sharing space during construction was summarily dismissed. A large multipurpose room with adjacent kitchen is critical to any center I've seen, but Catalyst's concept ignores that. Perhaps the layout of 193 makes such a room impossible. I would have started by gutting the entire building, or demolishing part or all of the existing structure. Perhaps we're over-valuing a senior daycare. I don't think we're there yet!
Dick Lacatell <>
Dalton, MA USA - Fri 03/22/2024 - 21:19:37
Richard, I just checked out the cleared lot that is for sale on Cedar Street for $1,150,000. Town sewer will be available in the near future. Holy Guacamole! At these real estate prices this former Chathamite can't imagine selling our west coast home near the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge and trying to find a comparable home in Chatham or anywhere on the east coast. I am grateful for being raised in Chatham along the Atlantic Ocean, and am thankful for our home for the past 24 years along the Pacific Ocean.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 03/22/2024 - 11:48:15
Amy -several of us believe it will be on a warrant for a Special Town Meeting (so we can spend more money) and add some more affordable housing articles to the mix. . We believe it will be in the fall.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/20/2024 - 18:56:01
I have a collection of issues of The Cape Codder Newspaper from 1947. What do you folks think what their ultimate repository should be? Lots of cool ads and columns written.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 03/20/2024 - 17:51:30
Nice to read there is progress on the Senior Center topic. And maybe some amicability.

But wait, there's more! Just read of a 0.35 acre BUILDABLE lot on Cedar Street in Chatham available for the tidy sum of only $1,150,000.00 US dollars. That is over a Million !!'

Maybe it is high ground and one could see the water.
Maybe there is a misprint .
Maybe the Easter bunny will show up soon.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 03/20/2024 - 17:13:33
I too agree that the Yarmouth architects did a great job and as stated by the center for active living director, captured everything the cfal wanted. What surprises me is again how out of touch the select board is on what the objections to 1610 and middle road were in the first place. It was never about the senior center or seniors. It was all about not utilizing what we currently have and overbuilding. And I am surprised they aren't going to bring it to town meeting. I think it would pass!! But now they are going to wait...ndwaste more time. Oh well. Hopefully in the fall they will bring it forward.
USA - Wed 03/20/2024 - 14:38:50
Dave - I agree with you. I think the possibilities they presented were great. I couldn't help but hear one of the BOS try to get the architect to admit the "building had bad bones" and was pleasantly surprised when he said it was fine. Think of the waste of time and money we as taxpayers have footed for the outrageous expenses racked up for 1610. Time to put that to bed and proceed with this. I am not in agreement though with the plans for a supportive Day Care Center. Orleans hosts Brewster, Harwich, Eastham, Wellfleet and Chatham and does an outstanding job. There is no reason we can't continue to utilize them.
WChatham, MA USA - Wed 03/20/2024 - 10:57:26
Jared, you are correct and I said the same thing to the Town Manager after the meeting. This kind of proposal should have happened three years ago after 1610 was first voted down.
Dave Mott <>
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/19/2024 - 12:28:19
Dave, in a normal town, the leadership might have began at this step before attempting to build a new structure at a different location.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/19/2024 - 10:21:10
Tonight I attended the joint Select Board / COA Board meeting to review the results of the study of the current Stepping Stones CFAL facility. My canteen is more than half full of possibility. The architect has done a great job in presenting multiple renovation & addition proposals which will make the building utilitarian and likely extend the life for multiple decades at a cost far less than the 1610 initiative. I encourage you to view the meeting replay when it becomes available. I believe now we have something to seriously consider.
Dave Mott <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/18/2024 - 19:58:15
Alan - they have a website - check it out.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/18/2024 - 16:53:59
Another good read. "Shipwrecks Along Cape Cod's "Forearm"

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/18/2024 - 16:07:16
With all the folks either speaking about writing books or have wriiten about Chatham, I do not ever remember anyone on the site speaking about "Friends of Chatham Waterways" seems like a vilteer group who operated in the 80's and the 90's with more than just a volunteer spirit. I know almost nothing about this group and have no relationships with anyone in the group, but I would like to hear more about them
USA - Mon 03/18/2024 - 11:14:41
My Dad (Wallace Dexter)as a young lad caddied for Joseph C Lincoln when the CBI course first opened. Sad to say he never knew that I played golf and have been a member for 31 years!. He died in 1990:at age 90 with wonderful memories and stories of his early life in the town he loved!
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, , CA USA - Sun 03/17/2024 - 19:46:15
The Monomoy Station men from Harwich would find it easier to row a dory across Nantucket Sound rather than walk to Chatham, thence to Morris Island, then down the beach. Rowing was what they were paid to do! I can't imagine how tough these men were - especially their calloused hands.
One time I went with Dave Ryder to give blood at the Congregational Church. They tried to get a sample from a finger, but it was so tough they had to take a sample from his ear lobe.
The values of salt water and hard work.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/17/2024 - 17:58:02
Happy St.Patrick's Day to Hannah St Pierre, a lovely woman from Ireland .
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/17/2024 - 17:44:55
Here is a very good read on the Wadena rescue.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/17/2024 - 16:08:25
On this day, March 17, in 1902, seven men from the US Life Saving Service Monomoy Station lost their lives in the rescue attempt of the Wadena. They are commemorated on the obelisk just North of the Coast Guard Station in Chatham. Some might have been from Harwich. The men lost were Marshall Eldridge, Keeper: Osborn Chase, Surfman; Isaac Foye, Surfman; Elijah Kendrick, Surfman; Valentine Nickerson, Surfman; Arthur W. Rogers, Surfman; and Edgar Small, Surfman. The only survivor was Surfman #1 Seth Ellis, who later became Keeper of the Station.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/17/2024 - 15:37:39
Richard, those guys were from Boston and went to the Eastward Ho Caddy Camp. They were tough city guys and I got pushed into a sand trap by the 7th green by one of them. I was about 10 or 11 at the time.
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/16/2024 - 18:00:22
John Whelan, your comments are special about caddying at CBI ! How did you feel when you learned that you were not good enough to caddy at Eastward HO ? Those guys were trucked in on Friday nights to the C
hatham Band Concerts. In a stake body truck.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/16/2024 - 17:29:37
Golf pro Ben Bassett would ask me to go over to the kitchen at CBI and get some ice for the water cooler at the caddy building. It was for the golfers, not for us lowlife caddies.
I took maybe two # 10 cans and filled them with ice. The water was in a large glass inverted "carboy", a word that I didn't know at the time. (There were no big plastic jugs back then.) I don't know who might have filled them up.
I wonder what it was like for my Dad, Dave Ryder, when HE was caddy there?

Another story will be the Fordson Tractor that was employed to mow the fairways. I wonder if there are pictures of that machine in the Chatham Historical Society archives?

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/16/2024 - 16:56:41
My memory says a Class A caddie got $1.00 for 9 holes. Once in a while, when there were not enough caddies some guys carried 2 bags for 18 holes and would get $5.00 including the tip. The bags were heavy and the golfers were often all over the place. The $5.00 was not worth it. My brother and Robbie McNeece played 9
holes at 5 PM after carrying 18 holes double. I could never understand where they got the energy.

Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/15/2024 - 22:28:43
My Dad (Wallace Dexter)as a young lad caddied for Joseph C Lincoln when the CBI course first opened. Sad to say he never knew that I played golf and have been a member for 31 years!. He died in 1990:at age 90 with wonderful memories and stories of his early life in the town he loved!
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, , CA USA - Fri 03/15/2024 - 22:05:43
Tony: As a kid at age 12, what other line of work would we be able to do? I am writing a potential book called "From Aunt Lydias Cove To Cape Cod Bay" - my jobs, my vehicles, my voyages, and volunteering along the way.
From Chatham as a kid to an eighty + person living overlooking Cape Cod Bay in Eastham. With twenty years of Navy active duty in between.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 03/15/2024 - 17:19:55
Brother John Ryder who watches this site and preceeded me as a caddy at CBI, told me of the steps that he had to go through as a caddy. He mentioned how mean Teddy Hilbert was to the rest of us. The peeing part.

Yes, Ben Basset was the head guy, but I never remember being graded as a caddy. Probably that was instituted after my time, based on my inattentive performance.

Like, I am lugging your overweight bag full of clubs you don't need here or will ever use here, what other miracle do you want me to perform? Over these steep Chatham CBI hills? On a hot and humid August morning?

The absolute worst job I have ever had. It is good to learn early on where you don't fit in.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 03/15/2024 - 17:09:36
John, what was the pay increase for being a class A caddie? Glad you didn't have to participate in any initiatons!!!! I would have opted for another line of work.
Tony Murphy
USA - Fri 03/15/2024 - 12:31:10
Never had an initiation, but started as a Class B caddie which meant about 75 cents for 9 holes. Ben Bassett decided when we could be Class A caddies.
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 22:39:35
We should start a conversation about caddying in Chatham.
How us local kids were not considered good enough to caddy at Eastward Ho; how some caddies at CBI (before me) had to endure an initiation , being in a smoky below ground vault and being peed on.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 17:32:34
Obviously it was Susie Fishback.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 17:26:59
John Pratt once showed me a golf ball that was Tip Oneil's ball, which said "The Speaker Lies Here". He had found it at Eastward Ho, across Route 28 from where John was living.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 16:42:39
John Pratt, who lived with Susie Finback across Route 28 from Ea
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 16:39:26
"All politics is local."
- Tip O'Neill

Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Thu 03/14/2024 - 15:34:01
Judy, we intended to go to the open house but completely forgot about it! The erosion that is taking place is unbelievable!
Tony Murphy
USA - Wed 03/13/2024 - 13:00:13
Agree that comments in the room be limited to local matters. I also object to the Chronicles gratuitous printing of LTE's about national politics. Is there a shortage of local topics to opine about or does the CCC enjoy jabbing the opposition? It's a privately held newspaper so they can print what they want to print but good God enough is enough. Keep it local please
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/13/2024 - 06:48:49
Did anyone go to the Open House at the Monomoy Wildlife Refuge on Saturday? I drove down there today and was blown away at the amount of erosion that has taken place. The building is slated for tear down in a few weeks. May want to check it out before everything there is gone. Walk down the few remaining steps to the left of the restrooms that used to be a pathway to the beach. The view is unbelievable .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 19:19:42
Jared; The phone line went from Monomoy Point to Race Point and beyond to the Station at Wood End, which was of the same design as Old Harbor.
A Duluth type Station, based on the first of the many stations being built on the same plans as the one built in Duluth, MN.
When we talk with visitors at OId Harbor in the summer, and find out they are from MN, then we can make a connection with them.
Looking forward to another season at Old Harbor.
I am 84 and ready for more.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 19:10:43
Did anyone go to the Open House at the Monomoy Wildlife Refuge on Saturday? I drove down there today and was blown away at the amount of erosion that has taken place. The building is slated for tear down in a few weeks. May want to check it out before everything there is gone. Walk down the few remaining steps to the left of the restrooms that used to be a pathway to the beach. The view is unbelievable .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 18:21:07
I was taking a ride down the beach a couple of weekends ago and noticed colored glass sticking out of a dune on the inside road. It was pieces of old green and teal insulators, I'm guessing from the Coast Guard telephone line from long ago.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 18:05:11
Did anyone go to the Open House at the Monomoy Wildlife Refuge on Saturday? I drove down there today and was blown away at the amount of erosion that has taken place. The building is slated for tear down in a few weeks. May want to check it out before everything there is gone. Walk down the few remaining steps to the left of the restrooms that used to be a pathway to the beach. The view is unbelievable .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 17:55:33
I will rely on NOAA, and their forecasts , which I have found to be timely and accurate over many years.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 17:51:35
Okay: John has issued us our sailing orders, and I for one will comply.

Hard to believe that it has been 47 years since the Old Harbor Station was removed from North Beach. I know of a few ChatRoom folks who were there who are still around.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 15:19:30
Judy, the duplicates that seem to occur more frequently now are due, it seems, to something occurring on the server because of the long delays that I have sometimes seen between the original and duplicate.
It's like the posting request is getting stuck in a buffer on server somewhere and then gets released at a later time.

Unfortunately, because of how this volunteer HCOOP works, there's not really any official tech support but it was a service that has provided what I needed at a very low cost and gives me the flexibility that I wanted.

So once I realized (which took a while) that it wasn't anything we were doing wrong, since it happened to me once also, I am just going to, at some point, delete the duplicates in the History pages.

J Hallgren (as Moderator)
Clearwater, FL USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 10:30:36
Bruce Reddish <>
Eagle River, AK USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 10:11:26
John - I forgot to mention - that if users "delete" their info right after they make a post - it's less likely to duplicate entries as we've seen in the past
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 09:36:06
Judy, I appreciate that response! Thank you! It had me a bit puzzled and thus saw it as opportunity to use it as reminder of my moniker rule to everyone so that's why I handled it this way. Hope you understand, ok?

Bruce, I don't quite understand what you mean as I see multiple ways to interpret your remark. It's my site and I have certain guidelines and rules which are followed almost all the time. But at times, things get a bit out of bounds and I don't always respond immediately. So it then gets even further away from the intended topics here and I need to give a warning like I did to prevent problems for me.

J Hallgren (as Moderator)
Clearwater, FL USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 09:32:18
John - I was the one who posted using "attainable"'as a signature. I was cutting and pasting and didn't realize my error til after it posted.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 07:06:46
John as moderator.....just let it go!
Bruce Reddish <>
Eagle River, AK USA - Tue 03/12/2024 - 00:40:16
Ok folks...some of this needs to end NOW!
I was a bit busy here and let this more national political discussion go on longer than I should.
There's two reasons why I am saying enough, but one of them I don't want to publicize now.

The second is that the log files show me that it appears a regular user here posted this evening a comment using a moniker signature which is prohibited! I will give that person an opportunity to repost the comment with the proper signature and an apology to everyone before I remove the moniker signed comment.

Also, it appears that a valid comment by Bruce Reddish was blocked by my tighter spam filters and I will try to address that issue.

J Hallgren (as Moderator)
Clearwater, FL USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 23:09:14
Looks like the room is getting out of hand with the Trump bashing. When you don't know what you are talking about then shut the hell up.
Dick Fulcher <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 20:02:21
Now that we've covered the affordable/attainable housing debate and morphed into name calling and Trump bashing along with false statements and "thoughts"'let's move on. Did anyone visit the Monomoy Wildlife Refuge this past weekend for their final open house before the building is torn down?
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 19:38:52
I think Mr. Trump didn't want to visit the beaches of Normandy and the cemeteries because it was raining, and being outside would mess up his hair.
Folks who have served with him, and for him, can verify this. In his view, the men who were buried there were losers.
As he perceived John McCain, who spent years in confinement in a North Vietnamese prison. He could have been released but did not do so.
Donald J. Trump was granted a deferment due to bone spurs?
Never served a day in his life.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 19:17:51
Thanks to all for your revelations.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 17:19:40
That fact you claim is just more lies told about Trump. Do you still believe Russia gate?
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 17:11:17
FACT: Former President Trump didn't want to visit a cemetery near Paris for Americans who fought and died in World War I because it was filled with "suckers" and "losers," according to John Kelly, his longest-serving chief of staff.

I believe John Kelly. I remember John McCain. I don't back down either.

Harwich, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 16:09:53
Judith - I never thanked you for the sacrifices of your family. I meant to - we need to thank our vets and support them and remember everything they did for this country.

In light of Amy's plea, I agree....let's tone down the rhetoric. I'll take the first step. I'll shut the heck up and go back to discussing purely local matters. I commented on $12.5K stoves and some folks freaked out and started inserting emotion and feelings into a factual argument. Then, the inevitable "B..B.But Trumpsters" started in. I never mentioned Trump, nor the current President.

It might surprise you folks to know that Trump isn't my guy. I have some huge (bigly) problems with him. I am also NOT a republican. I'm not a fan of the uni-party (dems and 'pubs). I'm a Constitutionalist. The republicans are almost as bad as the democrats. I deal in facts. Folks rebutted with emotion. That always leads to conflict. If you want to debate this material: borders, our Republic, the globalist policies being foisted upon us, our liberties being slowly eroded, then let's do so. But keep to the facts.

Mass was the birthplace of our revolution...what happened? What happened to the spirit of liberty there? The distrust of government? What happened to the liberals and their questioning of the motives and statements of our government?

In the meantime, I'll go back to the spring run of stripers, the peep winks, and Bruce's topic of handling flounder off Mitchell River bridge as the flounder exit their mudding down in the Mill Pondfs and seek the ocean to spawn.

I will not start a fight with anyone here, but I also won't back down from one. the way, I also greatly respect Richard for what he has done and his philanthropic endeavors. Some may view our service rivalry as hostility, but if you've served, you know it's just busting on each other. I admire the man.

USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 15:37:13
Olive branch????
USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 15:24:24
Judith - it never happened. Go check your facts.

And once again...Why bring Trump into this? I've keep this apolitical in light of John's desires. I haven't mentioned the grifting, dementia-addled, daughter-showering reprobate in any of this when I very easily could.

I've got an axe to grind with progressives. Can you show us on the doll where trump touched you also? Is Trump in the room with us now...???

USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 14:47:15
Thank you, Judith. Dang straight.
LOLETA, CA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 12:57:01
"Sacrifices in vain"? Speak for yourself Jim. Trump called men in the military losers and suckers. Is that how you identify yourself Jim? My great Uncle, Uncle and brother all served in the military. My dad a mechanical engineer on Flying Fortresses. None were losers or suckers. Nothing done in vain.
Harwich, MA USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 12:47:47
Josie, not sure what you're referring to about a fee for paying town bills online because there's no fee if paid from a bank account via ACH. However, if using a card, there's a fee since the town needs to get the full amount of the bill. The only time I understand the town covers the credit/debit card fee is at the transfer station because those fees are minimal and the benefits of not handling cash offsets the cost.
J Hallgren (as user)
Clearwater, FL USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 11:13:27
In my opinion, there is too much hyperbole on both sides. If everyone turned down the volume and took one step forward to see just a little bit of the other's point of view, we might make some progress. But this back and forth is a waste of time. No one is listening to anyone else. It's sad to see the greatest country in the world behaving this way.
USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 07:39:58
Bruce, you are 100% correct. The sacrifices you and I (and others) made overseas on behalf of this Country were in vain. The very things we fought to prevent overseas have been openly welcomed in our own Country, by the very folks that sent us over there.

To the progressives: I'm not getting on your train.

USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 00:56:15
right on cue: "racists." The last refuge of scoundrels - accuse folks of racism.

Pathetic. Be better.

USA - Mon 03/11/2024 - 00:48:47
Any other bitter racists want weigh in? From near and apparently far.
Viktor P <>
Chatham , MA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 22:28:57
JimP There are no consequences for violating our laws. Diversity agenda with its political ramifications is the boiling of the frog by increment. Death by a thousand cuts. There is only positive reinforcement to violate our laws. I fear this will all come to a head in the near future. Gone are the days when we talked about catching sand dabs and sea robins off of the Mitchel River bridge.
Bruce Reddish <>
Eagle River, AK USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 20:26:57
Richard - you and Lisa are way off base. To open our doors to the illegals is an exercise in futility. To say they are "poor souls" is stretching it. They are ILLEGAL. What part of that is so hard to understand? You want them them living in your town? The last thing Chatham can handle is a bunch of illegal immigrants. We can't even handle the "supposed" legal folks here now.
As Jim said - look at what the Vineyard did. . Couldn't get rid of them quick enough.

W. Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 20:21:55
Richard: southwest border. (SWB). You'd know this if they reported on it up there.

I am ALL for LEGAL immigration, as are most folks, as did our ancestors. Walking across the border, demanding handouts, refusing to speak the language, bringing your violent ways, refusing to assimilate, may be YOUR idea of "immigration," but not any normal American who believes in the Constitution. 93% of illegals do NOT get granted amnesty, yet you folks allow them to stay. Why? Virtually no-one is sent back. It is all done by design. Why do you allow this? Why do you keep voting for these people who chip away at your rights day, after day, after day?

I thought you were a sailor at one point? Need me to send you a copy of your oath? Or have you cast that away as well?

USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 19:22:16
So Jim P, how many of those poor souls seeking a better life, like the folks you are related to , (who left mother England and landed in the late 1600's,) in this country have been returned to whence they came from?

Probably a high percentage. Obviously they can't all stay here, as what you perceive is happening.

The Hardings, Eldridges, Eldredges, Ryders, Nickersons are all immigrants. Of which your family is included.

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 17:46:38
Jim P:
You are so good at obfuscating. What do the initials SWB mean to the rest of this group?

Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 17:30:47
Lisa - part of my portfolio is/was the SWB. We have brought in over ten million illegals in the last three years alone. That's more illegals than the population of 36 States. 10% of our National population are now illegal aliens (30+ Million). We have a TREMENDOUS amount of military aged males (MAM) from China and Muslim countries literally walking across the border, picking up an Obama phone, and EBT card, hotel chits for high-dollar hotels, and free healthcare. We treat illegals FAR better than we treat our disabled vets. I know this by living it. Your virtue signaling about wanting more "diversity" and a demographic change is laughable. Texas gets over 10K illegals PER DAY walking across the border. Martha's Vineyard got 50 and within 48 hours, you totalitarians used the military and law enforcement to round them up and put them on a military reservation on the mainland. Just stop. Until YOU open your house, and become responsible for about 15-20 of them, just stop with the virtue-signaling. You all talk a good game, until it's time to use YOUR money, YOUR labor, and YOUR house. Lead by example - show us........
USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 14:11:11
So to pay your bills on line thru the towns system there is a 26$ processing fee? That must be why the town never sends a prepaid stamped envelope via snail mail for town bills. Also speaking of mail I was at the main st post office around 7:00 to check my box and the doors were closed. So a woman postal worker was walking in to the back door at the same time. I went around to the back door which was open and asked if somebody could open the lobby to access my mailbox. She slammed the door in my face and told me to get out go home. Any thoughts? Finally somebody else not her unlocked the door. Now I was only trying to access my box not to make lobby transactions as I know that opens later.
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 14:07:01
John Whelan, where on Scatteree Rd was the North Chatham Post Office? Scatteree Rd begins at the T of Old Harbor Road where Stony Hill Rd becomes Scatteree Rd. In the early 1960's Tom Hailey and his family lived across the street from the 'T'. Florence "Sis" Douglas lived on the corner of Old Harbor and Scatteree in the "Rose Cottage" until she built a house next door and sold the "Rose Cottage". I remember having tea at Florence's and the roses grew into the house. There were postcards of it back in the day. It was really beautiful. I spent lots of time visiting Florence and her two dachsunds at her new house. I also spent a lot of time at the Hailey's house and his granddaughter and daughter's house.
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Sun 03/10/2024 - 10:27:32
I have not been on the CHAT-M-Room for a while, but I do know that the North Chatham Post Office was run by Pat Wescott on Scatteree Road. I believe the Chathamport Post Office was on Orleans Road just north of where those two tennis courts are. I believe it was connected to a landscape shop. Possibly Jim Robertson's. Not sure on the name. There may also at one time been mail service at the Corner Store. I seem to remember mail boxes there Maybe before WW II.
So the little town of Chatham had 5 and maybe 6 Post Offices at one time. I worked at the Chatham Post Office the summers of 1962, 63 and 64.

Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 23:26:09
Thank you Bill! Couldn't have said it better myself! Interesting so many lurkers lately come out of the woodwork and don't identify themselves - yet they have these grandiose ideas as to "how we should act and what we should embrace". Give me a break. Liberal speak if I ever heard it.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 19:15:12
Lisa, feel free to volunteer to house some illegals. MA is looking for people to do that.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 17:41:15
Alan, it has been a long time since your additions to this site have only been facts. If ever.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 17:40:20
If you are suggesting that I am threatened, let me say my post may be a bit over the top, but I stated only facts and hinted that mistakes had been made and are being made. But mistakes are not as such, it's when you fail to correct them that they become a problem.

And you are right, ethnic diversity is a good thing, but when you have and overwhelming situation such it at the border of Tx. or in New York, Chicago. Or LA, and for an administration for 3 years has indicated it is not a problem, something is weird.

Worse yet, when a state like New Jersey acknowledges they are beginning to accommodate the NYC overflow of Migrants, but wish not to explain as to how much it is costing the state, how many people are entering or where the folks are going. Is hiding this the right thing to do? And I like your phase, I would embrace a "little more ethnic diversity" with the key words,
a little. Will you have the same thinking when there are people in a candy store, some buying and others stealing and not just a candy bar, but walking out with a huge bag, full of products at will? And your statement about the good ole days suggests something ugly and you do not even know who I am, it's the folks on this site who speak of the good ole days routinely.

Alan Wirsul
USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 16:42:50
Yikes! I would embrace a little more ethnic diversity and demographic shifts here in Chatham. So interesting to see folks so threatened by "others" and for being so dedicated and committed to keeping things "the way things were back in the good ole' days" (when only white men had any power or rights).
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 15:21:50
... can see past some of the local government positions.
Along with the northern triangle comes the Nicaragua Revolution Huh?
Yes,the left Sandinistasas and Ortega vs the right Wing Contras supported by the CIA. Why? The objective was to provide military support to movements who opposed groups like the Sandinistas, as the Sandinistas were aligning themselves with the Soviets. A Nobel gesture, as we did not wish to have another Cuba in our backyard, but what a mess we left.

The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Most Americans at the time and still today did not even understand this Civil war. But we do now, because the Asylum seekers are here and the ethnic mix is happening now faster than anyone could have ever anticipated or for society to "handle" This trend will come to places like Chatham

Alan Wirsul
USA - Sat 03/09/2024 - 11:05:23
Anyone who clams they are living a better life now, than they did just 4 years ago is not giving it to you straight. Statements like "The P's, Judy and Jim traffic in nothing but negativity, As the saying goes, when they show you who the are, believe them or I will let the members of the Chatroom decide who they who they want to believe." Statements like these command nothing but arrogance and yes it is SAD, for these comments portray a shallow understanding of what really is happening in America now and I could be charged with the starting of any discussion below, missing it as well.

Could it be The immigration Act of 1965 changed the beginnings of the USA of how our generation knew the country, particularly in the recent past and surely what is present now and what will happen to places like Chatham in the future. Up until now, Chatham has been what one could call a protected entity and has faced very little of the fundamental demographic shift that is ongoing, especially now in New York City. Yes, the shootings, the stabbing, the stealing, Fentanyl, no bail and all this violent crime may have not reached your little outpost, but if it moves like AI thru the internet community, I hope you are ready for it as, this low incoming housing thing is just touching the surface.
To my knowledge, our school systems teach almost nothing of US efforts to stop the war of communism in Central America's Northern Triangle-(Guatemala, El Salvador, and Houduras. During the 80's. This war on communism is just one facet of the mess we are in today. And if you think this thought is no place "for this room," think again, for if you wish to try and keep the present as close to what you knew as the past, then I would suggest you listen carefully to the likes of the Jim P's, the Judy's the Elaine,s and the Jarod's as they are very good with interpretations of the facts and can see past some of

Alan Wirsul
USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 22:42:48
Nancy: When I purchased my home, the deed, etc. said it was in Chathamport. However, the postmaster at the time said to use N. Chatham as my official address or I wouldn't receive mail! I don't recall when the signage was changed on the building of the building.
Harwich, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 20:03:29
The old West Chatham Post Office is alive and well. Wayne Gould had it moved to a foundation behind his house years ago. It was turned into a beautiful one bedroom cottage that I was lucky enough to rent for six years. My future wife moved in the last year and she gave birth to a boy that slept in a drawer in the loft the first month of his life. Then we managed to buy our own place. It was a great place to live. It still had the place original mail slot and a nice mural done by Clair Basley. Wayne can correct anything I didn't get right!
Tony Murphy
USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 16:06:00
Judy, Check with Ross Gould about the West Chatham P.O. As I believe his mother was the postmistress. I'm thinking Mid 1940's and remember going there with my cousin Leta ELdredge who lived just down the road. It was a little building across the street from the Sadie Gould house (another relative) on Route 28.

On another subject, does anyone know where Dave Archibald now lives?

Barbara <>
San Diego , CA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 12:59:36
Thanks, Nancy. Even after six decades, some memories are as clear as a bell!
Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 12:47:51
I believe Dave moved to East Sandwich
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 12:39:06
Judy, Check with Ross Gould about the West Chatham P.O. As I believe his mother was the postmistress. I'm thinking Mid 1940's and remember going there with my cousin Leta ELdredge who lived just down the road. It was a little building across the street from the Sadie Gould house (another relative) on Route 28.

On another subject, does anyone know where Dave Archibald now lives?

Barbara <>
San Diego , CA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 12:31:52
Jared, Thanks for your help. It does seem plausible that the Chathamport p.o. was in that area. Yes, Reggie would have known!
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 11:23:19
Judy, I really didn't take notice of the W. Chatham p.o.'s when your mom and I were growing up since they would be "faraway " from my home.
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 11:16:13
Carol Ann, Yes, I do remember the temporary post office before the one where Pat Wescott was postmistress.
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 11:11:47
*while the North Chatham Post Office

(Writing on my phone)

Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 10:44:02
My grandparents bought their North Chatham home in the mid 1950's before I was born. After my grandfather Colonel Godfrey Speir died, my parents moved to Chatham. I was an infant and Will was 4. We briefly stayed with Granny at her house, then lived on Cedar Street, followed by renting a house on Stillwater Pond on Old Comers Road close to the RCA complex. I recall a cornerstone marker on Old Comers describing what buildings had been there. Shortly after David was born, my Granny bought a ranch house on Pasture Lane and sold her house to my parents. I remember while the North Chatham was first built, there was a temporary Post Office at a private home near the corner of Old Wharf Road and Old Harbor Rd. I think it was Phil Nickerson's house?

Stony Hill Rd once went all the way to Scatteree landing. I recall that Stony Hill Rd name was changed to Scatteree Rd from the intersection of Old Harbor Rd through to Scatteree landing.
Probably when many post offices were built folks commuted on foot or by horse and buggy. Just a thought.

Carol Ann Conners <>
Loleta, CA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 10:37:56
"Josie," We are in 100% agreement there. You've shown us who you are.

I, as did Richard, took an oath to defend the Constitution from ALL enemies, foreign AND domestic. That oath didn't expire when I took off my uniform. I have not forgotten MY oath.

and, yeah....I'm not getting on your train.

Richard, why bring Trump into this? I didn't mention Trump or the grifting, dementia-addled, daughter-showering reprobate. Can you show us on the doll where Trump touched you? Who hurt you Boo?

USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 08:04:37
No problem! It's hard to believe that such a small town still has four post offices. In West Chatham when my mom was growing up wasn't the post office where the Sou Wester was?
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 03/08/2024 - 06:49:26
Judy, Thank you but that was definitely the North Chatham P.O. I remember it well. I am looking for the Chathamport P.O. and I believe that Jared is on the right track.
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 23:09:05
As the saying goes, "When they show you who they are, believe them".
Chatham , MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 21:32:04
Nancy, after consulting the 1858 and 1880 atlases, I believe I found the marking for a post office at the intersection of Crowell Road and Orleans Road in 1880. At that time the school was on Old Comers. No post office shown in 1858, but the school was located near the intersection of Fox Hill and Orleans Road.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 19:43:34
Nancy - Cynthia just told me the same thing Richard said. Said it was at the end of Billy Westcott's driveway. I didn't think to ask where he lived though.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 19:39:31
Hi Nancy, as the Chathamport school was located on Old Comers Road amongst the RCA station, I would guess that the post office might have been very close to it, but I dont know that for sure. It would have been a good question for Reggie.

It's amazing the strange looks you get from even mentioning Chathamport. A lot of the newcomers here think everything north of the old Acme Laundry is also North Chatham.

Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 19:26:07
Not aware of the Chathamport PO. Maybe Don St Pierre would know. Or Dave Archibald, who has moved off Cape.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 18:55:48
Sorry Rich, but that was the North Chatham p.o. I am looking for Chathamport.
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 18:31:11
Thanks sister Nancy ( a classmate of Jane Harding) for bringing us back on track.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:47:59
It was at the North end of Old Harbor Road. I thought the Postmaster was a woman . Married to Billy Wescott ? Mail sent to the Od Harbor Station would have been picked up there.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:34:26
Please excuse me for interrupting but I would like to know if anyone in the Chatroom knows where and when the Chathamport USPS was located? Thanks in advance.
Nancy Ryder Petrus <>
No Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:21:55
Our electricity comes from solar panels on our roof. For the last six years.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:15:49
I will let the members of this ChatRoom decide who they want to believe.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:12:53
Wasn't it the former president that advocated bleach as a cure for COVID? I see his NAVY physician has been demoted from Rear Admiral to Captain, Medical Corps, Retired due to his history.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:06:35
Richard, you, your-very-owned-self, stated it was a "federal grant." Like that somehow absolved any responsibility for its expenditure and responsible use.

You are the very same folks who demanded vaccine passports, who denied service to anyone not vacc'd; who wanted to seize our kids; who closed the schools; who FORCED all of us in the military to get the experimental vaccine - to many of our detriments. IIRC, Mass also mandated ALL public workers get the clot-shot.

You obviously don't know where electricity comes from if you are simultaneously killing the fossil-fuel industry and yet mandating everything be electric. it's insanity...suicidal ideation. Pull up some YouTube videos of people getting arrested on the beach, by themselves, for not wearing a mask. The evidence is out there. I don't doubt you are unaware of it as the media up there is so far left it resembles a go-cart track.

USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 17:05:35
I resent the assumptions that have been posted - that we don't know where federal grants come from; that we don't know where our electricity comes from - that we were chased off the beach if we didn't wear a mask - that we were forced to take an immunization?
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 16:46:43
Melissa - Excellent post! So many of us are in agreement with you. It's a shame more folks don't come out of the woodworks here and speak up instead of being lurkers. If we don't start calling out our Boards and Committees on this ridiculous density issue Chatham will be lost forever. It's interesting so many people move here, get on committees and/or Boards and want to change things for what "they" think is best for everyone. I'm still processing the fact the Planning Board wants no more single family homes built in the West Chatham corridor. Thankfully it's not coming to Town Meeting this year.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 14:43:07
Without gerrymandering the stoves you wouldn't HAVE to "upgrade the electric/re-engineer/etc." The bottom line is that it costs a million bucks to put 80 stoves in public housing. That's 12.5K PER UNIT. And..that is based upon nebulous data the admin is pushing trying to kill the petroleum industry by inferring a "health cost" to anything that isn't electric. These are the same nutters that foisted an experimental vaccine upon the public, arrested people at the beach if they weren't wearing masks, and wanted to seize our children and put the parents in camps if we didn't comply.

Where do you you all think electricity comes from? Unicorn farts? it is generated from coal-fired plants, which produces the electricity which then must be carried thousands of miles over lines that are highly inefficient and leak a LOT of that energy. All so some people can be smug and think they are saving the planet. It's a special kind of stupid that thinks if you send all your money to Washington, the government will change the weather.

The fact that it is a FEDERAL GRANT is also lost on you people - it is OUR tax dollars. All of us. it's not magical, fairy $$ fallen from the sky. I resent some woke governor using my tax money to virtue-signal where there are bigger issues at play?

Josie, please show me where I've been negative (current exception of course). I love the Cape, and our Country. I spent my entire adult life defending it. Have you? I loathe what the progressives are doing to it via open borders, globalist policies, fabricating environmental nuttiness, and intruding into every aspect of our daily life. Just stop already. $12.5K per unit should make you folks ashamed. But you appear to be proud of this accomplishment. And you wonder why we're at 35 Trillion (that's trillion with a "T") in debt!!

USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 13:37:16
Giving this page a cursory glance this morning. Sad to see that consideration for the Cape's ecological health that once dominated discussions about housing density seems to be all but thrown out the window with some who used to consider it a priority. We are killing the Cape with this feel-good movement to pack in low-income housing wherever we can. It shows how short our attention spans are for what really should matter, protecting the Cape's natural beauty and worth for generations to come by those who still might remember what that was.
M. Reed <>
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 12:04:20
Thanks James Dempsey. The P's Judy and Jim traffic in nothing but negativity. SAD
Chatham , MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 10:12:08
Here's a link to the stove story:

The $1M includes training, electrical upgrades to the buildings, studies to determine if it really improves air quality and long-term medical tracking of the residents to see if it makes a difference.

So while the $1M and 80 stoves numbers are accurate, it's a bit disingenuous to say they are $12,500 stoves.

James J Dempsey
W.Chatham+Boxborough, MA USA - Thu 03/07/2024 - 08:57:59
Google it Richard. It was in the Globe and other publications. It was a federal grant (TAXPAYERS) and it was 1 million dollars for 80 stoves. The figures are correct. That's over $12K per stove.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 03/06/2024 - 18:58:46
There IS a program in Dorchester housing to replace gas stoves with electric ones. The costs include upgrading the electric panels and wiring to accommodate the new ranges. It is a Federal grant. The intention of the grant is to make homes safer to breathe in and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
Not sure where the dollar figure mentioned came from.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 03/06/2024 - 17:04:43
Jim P
A clever bit of humor, I liked that one, but be careful your good friend Richard might have something to say or if you will debate. And note, these climate supporters are taking over all the big cities in America, hmmmm could this have happened somewhere else, ie like in Europe about 80 years ago

I only have remote skin the game and I enjoy your viewpoints as many of them are very hard hitting. But this affordable housing is not unique to Chatham, it's happening across the entire US. Just as important as the density issue, is the fact of who are going to be the real customers and where will the true affordability come from. Local, State and Federal governments do not too many dollars in the cash register to donate, which usually means there is a significant of robbing Peter to pay Paul with Government Budgets When Peter runs out, the residents of the community pay, which is the fear of yes, all those across the US who have to foster this issue.

Participation by the owners in the owning of a unit is a wonderful idea because it goes well beyond pride, you build something your certainly very careful about taking care of the property. If it's just given to you, the care of the ripping of the bag disappears. I too enjoyed working on some of the same projects you did

Alan Wirsul
USA - Tue 03/05/2024 - 17:17:43
Jim P
A clever bit of humor, I liked that one, but be careful your good friend Richard might have something to say or if you will debate. And note, these climate supporters are taking over all the big cities in America, hmmmm could this have happened somewhere else, ie like in Europe about 80 years ago

I only have remote skin the game and I enjoy your viewpoints as many of them are very hard hitting. But this affordable housing is not unique to Chatham, it's happening across the entire US. Just as important as the density issue, is the fact of who are going to be the real customers and where will the true affordability come from. Local, State and Federal governments do not too many dollars in the cash register to donate, which usually means there is a significant of robbing Peter to pay Paul with Government Budgets When Peter runs out, the residents of the community pay, which is the fear of yes, all those across the US who have to foster this issue.

Participation by the owners in the owning of a unit is a wonderful idea because it goes well beyond pride, you build something your certainly very careful about taking care of the property. If it's just given to you, the care of the ripping of the bag disappears. I too enjoyed working on some of the same projects you did

Alan Wirsul
USA - Tue 03/05/2024 - 17:15:04
You see where the good governor is putting new $12,500.00 electric ranges in the public housing projects up in Dorchester? You think you guys can squeeze that in for the affordable units in Chatham? You fight "climate change?"

How many of you peasants are rocking $12K cooktops?

USA - Tue 03/05/2024 - 08:11:25
John - I had forgotten about that. It's too bad because of the negligence of the Town leader(s) we are forced to cram in housing . There's no need to rush and settle for the type of density they are proposing - 60 units in West Chatham on the Buckley property is outrageous. I hope they proceed carefully and in keeping with the Town's character. I still have issues with Ms Davis and Mr Schell on both committees- as well as the general make up of the Affordable Housing Committee . Multiple conflicts of interest by most involved.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 03/04/2024 - 07:07:20
I don't think the concept of Affordable Housing is well understood. The state
computes the number of affordable housing units a town has as a percentage of
total housing units. The stated goal is 10%. Chatham has virtually none and has
created only a very few in the past decade. Some might say that Chatham hasn't
tried very hard. The Buckley property and the Route 137 property were purchased
in an attempt to address that problem. So I believe that those two properties
should be used to build a reasonable number of housing units on both parcels. I
love Habitat for Humanity, but these parcels should built out in a denser fashion
that Habitat homes allow. Do Habitat on other land. Perhaps 40 units in West
Chatham and 35 or so in South Chatham. The demand for the units will far out-
distance the supply. Take a step towards increasing the housing supply in

Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 21:54:06
The SB and Affordable Housing Trust is looking to purchase the land at 2386 Main St South Chatham for affordable housing. Right next to the pumping station. The Trust is going into executive meeting Wednesday, March 6. Wouldn't it be nice if that 1+ acre could be green space? Stay informed and speak up!
Carol Gordon <>
SOUTH CHATHAM, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 20:07:52
Richard - you can't go wrong with Habitat Housing. It's the work ethic that means so much to the folks that up with these homes. One of the individual's on the Affordable Housing Trust has a habitat home. She should recuse herself from any voting as she's for the ridiculous density apartments. She also makes a fairly decent living and should not be contributing anything to the Committee. It's ridiculous that she even has a say. This is how out of touch this committee is. You have two select board members on the committee as well as being on the select board. If this isn't a conflict of interest I don't knows what is.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 19:29:06
Jim P:
I appreciate your informed response. Of course we couldn't make a landing on the shores of Gaza without a declaration of war. But maybe some other country could?
So, let the air drops continue. I wonder what it is in those aerial drops. Could they contain info from who sent them?
Like psy war stuff ?

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 17:46:01
Not only do the Habitat owners do the work, but some have children and their kids see what responsibility is, demonstrated hands-on by their parent or parents.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 17:05:40
Yes. Habitat families have a stake in their homes - they have shown they can be responsible, and they show up to do the work. A great concept. Maybe this is the common ground that many are seeking, as it has worked so well in many towns on the Cape.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 16:59:48
Bill - couldn't agree more. South and West Chatham should utilize Habitat. There's already several in West Chatham now that are very nice. If folks are serious about wanting homes they need to work for them. Every time I drive toward Harwich I see the dwellings Mr Rudnick developed. They are always pretty much empty in the winter. I am aware he sold them but this is exactly what would happen here. It is a nightmare waiting to happen for sure if the Affordable Housing folks get their way.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 16:56:16
Habitat is the way to go for S.Chatham. The 3 acres could hold 12 small cape style houses. These people own the homes and will take care of them. These would be families who would care about Chatham and build roots if not from Chatham.

Good lord 50 or 60 units must be a joke or bad dream.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 16:37:24
Richard, I'll try to make this as non-poilitical as I can. If done (I disagree that we should be doing this for many reasons), but IF done, it must be done from the air. To do a landing and offload even small boats, we would have to secure the terrain. We'd have to put armed forces on the ground and secure the air against drones. To use boats, we'd have to use a forced-entry package of Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors. This admin does NOT have a good record the last time we did this (Abbey gate and Afghanistan). We'd have to hold the terrain from initial scouting, to securing it throughout the delivery, and holding it until extraction of the last Soldier/Sailor. Everybody/EVERYBODY hates Hamas and the Palestinians.....everybody. Why do you think it is only the US and Jordan doing this? The Saudi's SHOULD be doing this, especially in light of their Wahabiism and export of radicalism, but even the Saud's want no part of them, neither do the Egyptians, the Arabs/Persians/etc. They are literally viewed as "unterminch" within the Muslim world - nothing but trouble to anyone. No one over there wants to help Hamas and/or the Palestinians.
USA - Sun 03/03/2024 - 15:57:59
Thanks Richard! When I worked off Cape for one of the big tech companies every spring and summer employees had choices as to who to support for charitable work. My team always picked Habitat and it was so much fun. In addition to learning, the folks we worked with were wonderful. I was just so impressed with the entire organization. Several of my neighbors in West Chatham are also very actively involved with Habitat as well. It's a wonderful organization and I wish Chatham would work with them on the Buckley property.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/02/2024 - 17:56:50
Jim P:
How difficult would it be for the US Navy Seabees to land several landing craft full of food supplies along various sites along the coast of Gaza? Relying on your knowledge of such things, is this prohibited? The air drop was done probably with no ones permission.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/02/2024 - 16:53:57
Judy P:
I totally support Habitat homes, as I have helped build eight of them. I may not agree with you on some things, but I appreciate your well written comments / letters to the editor that seem to reflect what the folks in South and West Chatham might be feeling but are not willing to speak publicly about.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 03/02/2024 - 16:42:32
The Planning Board has been working on trying to change the zoning in W Chatham so no more single family homes are built there. Wisely they are not putting it before Town Meeting this year - as most folks object to it. Many of us wanted Habitat Homes built on the Buckley property. The people that end up owning these homes work hard for them, have steady jobs and take pride in them. What the Affordable Housing Committee is trying to do is outrageous. They seem to think they have final say in this. What they fail to realize is that they never will be fully occupied along with South Chatham because there are just not enough year round jobs here to support the type of density they want. They need to compromise or these projects will be held up in court for quite some time as several folks have already mentioned in meetings . There's a tasteful way to do things that benefit all and the sooner these folks realize it, and head in that direction- the more support they'll have. If they continue on this path of cramming as much as they can on to these properties the more objections and hurdles they'll face.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 03/02/2024 - 13:45:41
Eastham has some affordable housing off Brackett Road, and there are plans in the works to build more such housing at the former Tee-Time lot on Route Six, which is now owned by the Town. There will never be enough of this sort of housing as long as weekly summer rentals are so desirable on Cape Cod.
One might look at the Trailer Park in Wellfleet, adjacent to the Drive-In which has added a community septic system and has recently added some new sites. With no outpouring of dissent from anyone that I have heard.
I had suggested that the Tee Time site would accommodate a lot of manufactured homes, but that didn't go well. Would manufactured homes work at the Buckley Property?
Probably not allowed by the Zoning Rules that prohibit such domiciles that are perceived as "less than".

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 03/01/2024 - 17:03:57
Richard - 60-70 units in a parcel of property with less than three acres is outrageous. Many seem to feel that 35-40 would more than suffice. Remember - these won't be promised to Chatham people. Who will be the landlord? Way too many unanswered questions. How is Eastham solving its affordable housing?
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/29/2024 - 17:39:46
Judy P: Just how much density would you be ok with ? Maybe none?
Marcella Daniels has not been forgotten .
She was SO against anything but basic Cape Cod houses, homes for one family.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 02/29/2024 - 17:31:26
Dick - Your comments are timely. I can't believe the amount of density these people are talking about for affordable housing. None of the town's policemen or firemen will be able to live there. It's ridiculous and to compound this with a water shortage doesn't bode well for many of us. I had to laugh when I read Shareen Davis' LTE in today's Chronicle. If South Chatham's land was so "vibrant" and such a great legacy for her family why did they sell the Twine Field for profit instead of letting it become affordable housing? Trees have been demolished and land torn apart to build a bike path . This doesn't benefit the majority of residents. If we don't take steps now to prevent this overdevelopment on these properties our town will be lost forever. I smell a LOT of rats here.

. People better fetter acts together and do what we can to stop this overdevelopment of everything here.

W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 02/28/2024 - 18:00:33
I think it was Castell Kelly of Ruby's Dry Cleaning Shop and Laundromat , told me "You would have been taller if they didn't allow so much for feet".
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 02/28/2024 - 17:22:20
Yep. Chatham is lacking water for its population. What's the solution? Increase the population, of course. Did you see the marketing plans of the merchants? And are we still making exceptions to allow homeowners to increase the size of their dwellings?
Dick Lacatell <>
Dalton, MA USA - Tue 02/27/2024 - 19:29:31
To make this relevant to Chatham, my classmate Diane Matteson (CHS 1957) responded to an ad in the Cape Cod Standard Times, seeking a man with large feet to walk in concrete . She turned my name in, unknown to me.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 02/27/2024 - 17:33:54
I did walk in cement at the Yarmouth Barefoot Trader site in 1957. Sneakerless. I got $25.00 for the gig, when gas was 25 cents a gallon.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 02/26/2024 - 17:40:58
Alan: The last time I wore basketball sneakers was maybe seventy years ago. Who knew that they might become collectible? Certainly not mine.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 02/25/2024 - 17:22:39
Right on, Judy! Water is almost at crisis level and how will we supply all these new housing units? Our summer visitors and seasonal McMansion owners are blind to their own use and their year round neighbors needs. People post cute little signs saying "private well" but it all draws off the only aquifer on Cape Cod. Years ago some college professor friends of mine moved their family to VT because they were convinced Cape Cod would run out of water. Prophecy?
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Sun 02/25/2024 - 10:54:59
Since there were no actual details about the golf course pump, any chance that it could be extracted or removed from its existing location and rebuilt, if so how's the time to do this. So when the weather gets warmer Judy and Elaine can take some lessons from Richard sporting his newly painted golden sneakers. What could be better, a combination instructor/caddie while having some fun with their tax dollars and getting Richard.s insights about the issues of the day
Alan Wirsul
USA - Sun 02/25/2024 - 08:13:39
Richard......come on now...........don't make me toss a zinger at you. I've got a doozy all tee'd up.
USA - Sat 02/24/2024 - 17:31:24
Wait, the half expended can of Gold Paint was used to paint the ball on the top of the mast that came from the Pendleton Lifeboat. That mast is now a flagpole at the Old Harbor Lifesaving Station at Race Point. The ball fell off last winter and rolled to the north side of the building. The paint can remains.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 02/24/2024 - 17:07:58
Take heart Richard! The sneaker presentation was booed.
Harwich, MA USA - Sat 02/24/2024 - 13:18:34
Cute Richard. No one is biting your trolling. The offer to debate is still on the table. Come on Sailor....."dam the torpedoes and straight ahead."

You filled your house with illegals yet?

USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 19:00:47
To address some of Emily's concerns, I think all of those decisions (apartments, cottages, condos, rentals vs ownership,etc) have not been made yet and will not be made until developers submit bids. I also think the most frustrating part of all of this is that assuming we or the developer accepts state money or tax credits (I am really not sure how it all works) then the local preference is out the window, or a low percentage, I also believe I read that if a family doesn't live here, but either works in town or sends a child to school, they get preferential treatment.the rules are very complicated.
As for the golf course, I would like to know the revenue brought in before saying $150k is a waste. Maybe it's a small amount compared to the revenue it generates. I am so glad CBI doesn't own the golf course. Remember the plan for condos which preceded the eminent domain case? yes, that cost us a lot of money but still I am glad the town owns it.

USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 17:50:53
I have some gold spray paint if anyone wants to paint their sneakers.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 17:33:30
Too bad the "Golf Course" is no longer owned by Chatham Bars Inn, but in fact is owned by the Town Of Chatham. The CBI could readily come up with the money to replace the well. The Town of Chatham can come up with the money as well , but the golfers need to be made aware that they need to be paying increased fees - whatever it takes to make the course enjoyable. If it is irrigation, then so be it.
I caddied there in the late 40's. I do believe there was water to the nine greens back then. Where else would I have gotten a drink of water along the route? Certainly the fairways were not watered then.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 17:29:57
I have never heard anything more ridiculous than this. Yet, they find no reason to tell us "you have to conserve water". Well, I will be watering my plants whether or not it's "allowed". I do NOT play golf and as a taxpayer I object to this expense. Interesting that Mr. Dykens recuses himself from some votes, and yet, not the COA vote or this vote - when he and/or his wife stand to benefit. Hypocrisy and double-standards mean nothing to most of this Board. He made sure he is getting in his ten years of "service" so he can claim insurance benefits from the taxpayers forever from the Town. I think he and a few of his cohorts should be recalled for their actions. As Gloria Hicks said "they clearly are NOT acting in the best interest of those who elected them". I find this more than despicable the majority of this Board continue to act in their own self (centered) interests.
JudyP <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 15:05:01
We are living in an alternate universe when it comes to Town spending. "Recreation and Beaches" asked the Board of Selectmen for $150,000 to replace a well pump station dedicated solely to Seaside Links. It was approved unanimously because they don't want the golf course grass to die. Glad golf is a priority when probably 10 % of full time residents have ever played a round of golf yet we get to pay the bill. No mention of the water crisis or the bad optics when homeowners are shamed trying to save their homes from mold damage. But Dykens plays there and says it's needed. The hypocrisy and double standard is breathtaking.
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 02/23/2024 - 12:36:10
Right on, Judy! Water is almost at crisis level and how will we supply all these new housing units? Our summer visitors and seasonal McMansion owners are blind to their own use and their year round neighbors needs. People post cute little signs saying "private well" but it all draws off the only aquifer on Cape Cod. Years ago some college professor friends of mine moved their family to VT because they were convinced Cape Cod would run out of water. Prophecy?
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 19:31:31
I think in the town's haste to "get it done" they are hell bent on charging ahead without taking the water shortage into consideration. Emily raises excellent questions as well. No one seems to have an answer and questions like water and who will get the housing are being ignored. Enough is enough. The Select Board owes everyone answers.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 18:00:08
First, I'd like to thank everyone who answered my question about charging stations at the Eldredge Garage. Secondly, I find it ironic that the headline in today's Chronicle reads" water demand still outstrips
capacity " yet we have many calling for plans for excessive housing density. Where will the water come from to meet the demands of this housing?

Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 17:04:55
I need some enlightening on the plans for affordable housing on the Buckley and Meetinghouse Rd RFPs. If the goal is to create Chatham workforce housing, what will the final outcome be? Any regulations? For sale or for rent, condos? Purchased property at the market rate? Any subsidies? Apartments, Townhouses, or cottages? We have Lake Street and the Anchorage which I believe are "managed " rentals. I think the discussion about density could be premature before we know what kind of "affordable" housing is in the discussion process. I would be happy to vote for any development that benefits Chatham and it people....not someone from off Cape who works in Hyannis!
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 15:08:03
Not sure where some of these terms come from when speaking of the trust housing project, You do not wish to "handcuff the developer" or making "modest profits"". Developers are in the deal to MAKE MONEY. I would think the Trust should set the parameters as to what they want,, not the other way around. The more units built, the more money the developer makes. Not sure what you want, than consider using AI to creat some models for discussion as to what could be or should be., Seems to me, that folks are walking into something near totally blind. Chatham should not be the land of Oz,
Alan wirsul
USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 09:35:23
I need some enlightening on the plans for affordable housing on the Buckley and Meetinghouse Rd RFPs. If the goal is to create Chatham workforce housing, what will the final outcome be? Any regulations? For sale or for rent, condos? Purchased property at the market rate? Any subsidies? Apartments, Townhouses, or cottages? We have Lake Street and the Anchorage which I believe are "managed " rentals. I think the discussion about density could be premature before we know what kind of "affordable" housing is in the discussion process. I would be happy to vote for any development that benefits Chatham and it people....not someone from off Cape who works in Hyannis!
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 08:44:52
Not sure where some of these terms come from when speaking of the trust housing project, You do not wish to "handcuff the developer" or making "modest profits"". Developers are in the deal to MAKE MONEY. I would think the Trust should set the parameters as to what they want,, not the other way around. The more units built, the more money the developer makes. Not sure what you want, than consider using AI to creat some models for discussion as to what could be or should be., Seems to me, that folks are walking into something near totally blind. Chatham should not be the land of Oz,
Alan wirsul
USA - Thu 02/22/2024 - 08:42:30
I think Amy has accurately described what she feels will happen with the density.
The open-ended RFP's allow for developers to propose a project they believe will
work for their company and Chatham. The Affordable Housing Trust does not have
to accept that proposal. They recognize that the voters of Chatham are sensitive
about density. A compromise figure can be reached--perhaps about 40 units in
West Chatham. A compromise that will provide much-needed housing units and a
project where the developer can make a modest profit. Both sides give a little.

Chatham, MA USA - Wed 02/21/2024 - 23:00:49
Let's see if they stick to their words. I have zero faith in these people.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 02/21/2024 - 16:46:12
I watched the entire hearing and stand by my original comments.
USA - Wed 02/21/2024 - 16:14:32
Amy - as much as I'd like to agree with you, I can't after watching it last night. A few meetings ago Mr Oppenheim got up in front of everyone and basically had a tantrum saying they were going for density. After last night and the comments, they'd be fools not to know the majority of taxpayers are not happy with them. It was said by one individual "we elected you to be our voice, and you are not listening". It could not have been said any better. They tried to appease folks last night but failed miserably. They can say whatever they want - but as far as trusting any of them - that's different story.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 02/21/2024 - 10:36:57
If I read correctly the article in last weeks Chronicle, it said that the Affordable Housing Trust did not want to put handcuffs on any developers approach to these projects and that is why they didn't limit the number of units. The group also said that this did not mean they would go with the highest density, just that they wanted developers to be free to be creative and, frankly, to submit bids. Nothing is carved in stone at this point. Not even close. I believe there will still be plenty of time for the public's input. That was my understanding anyway.....
USA - Wed 02/21/2024 - 09:31:43
I hope the folks that watched this charade tonite liked what GloriaHicks said. She was spot on about non- transparency with Mr Schell and Ms Davis for both being on the Affordable Housing Trust Committee and on the Select Board. The Selectmen also set a goal for themselves to get RFP's from non profit developers. They did not do this. There is ZERO transparency with this project. They are going after density and nothing they say will convince others. We need to keep an eye on this Board. Mr. A he'll and Ms Davis should NOT be voting on this.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 02/20/2024 - 21:40:59
Please tune in tonight and watch the Select Board Meeting If the Affordable Housing Committee gets their way, our Town will never be the same with the massive density they want to build. I find it interesting the few outspoken folks behind it have no longstanding ties to Chatham - Mr. Schell and Mr. Oppenheim. They like to tell others what to do - maybe they should build some housing on their lots.
West Chatham, MA USA - Tue 02/20/2024 - 17:27:50
There are at least ten TESLA stalls in Orleans, but they are behind the far end of Stop and Shop, not TJ Maxx. Not visible from most of the parking lot, and there is no signage. I just drove around the backs of the two buildings to find the stations.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 02/20/2024 - 16:32:23
Richard et al
For any municipality (Ie Chatham) to invest in a charming station, one needs to understand a few key basic facts ( sure there s more to understand than listed below)
1. There are currently only 3 Tesla super chargers on the Cape- Orleans, Hyannis, and Mashpee
2. Tesla Super chargers are the most cost effective to the customer and charge at the fastest rate
3.. Richard, the chargers you speak of elsewhere are likely "level 2 chargers" which are very useful to EV drivers but usually are at higher costs and not as efficient
4.whenever evaluating he current charger locations you need to understand how many stalls are at the location. In the case of Harwich Tech school, there are only 2 stalls.
5. Other EV produced cars, other than Tesla, can use a Tesla super charger or level 2, but need to purchase adaptive novels at a one time cost of aboutv $250.
6, Tesla's can even charge of a home 110 system, but the very cost effective and the charging times are very long, so super chargers add revenue because users what to go shop.
7. Some states are even footing some of the bill for the installation of a charging station

For a township to invest in a charging station, the near term cash layout, would provide long term cash flows. Think of the funds saved with a charging stationed powered by solar in combination with municipal vehcile use. Heck the savings could even make for a good down payment on a new Sr. Center-kidding of course.

Alan Wirsul
USA - Mon 02/19/2024 - 20:16:15
Apparently there are two local TESLA Superchargers that I overlooked: one at the Wequasset Inn and one at TJ Maxx ? in Orleans. Obviously this technology is growing faster than the Internet can keep up with the new stations.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 02/19/2024 - 17:39:14
Alan, the fee stated was from the Internet, which shows all the charging stations on the Cape. Presumably it is current info. I didn't mention that there are four stations in Eastham, 2 at the Town Hall and 2 at the Library. None shown in between Eastham and Provincetown. One planned at Cape Associates here in Eastham at their main office.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 02/19/2024 - 17:22:45
Not sure where or how you are getting the 1.50/hr charging fee. There is no flat fee for using a charger, every system measures the incoming electricity to the car. A normal charge from a Tesla Supercharger where you are taking the auto from 20% charge to 75% (estimated) is about $19.00. If the cost were $1.50, every EV in a 30 mile radius on Cape cod would be there.

The very fact you are calling out so few chargers demonstrates there is a need for chargers and where a town investment could be made. If a charging station were to be placed off Main Street, it would enhance business and the town and indeed the town would make far more revenue than they would with parking meters. The same would be true if an installation were placed at the fish pier.

Yes, the very affluent will more than likely add their 220 lines in their mega homes, but that would not be the customer base. Anyway you look at it, it's a win win for the town and the customer including the tourists.

Alan Wirsul
USA - Mon 02/19/2024 - 08:33:56
The only charging station in Chatham is at the CBI, but it is restricted to guests only. Cape Associates has one in the works. Yes, the Tech School has one. Except for the CBI, these are not free sites. P'Town site at the pier costs $1.50 per hour.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 02/18/2024 - 18:51:10
Yours noted and of course I was responding to AK's post which hit on some thing very interesting for Chatham. Not only about the charging stations for a manicipality installation for profit but the adoption of Chatham township vehicles such as an EV patrol car or at least a hybrid. Some departments across the state of ma are already taking advantage of grants to partially fund EV patrol cars (like the Mass EVFP grant).

And closer to home, I believe the Technical high school in Harwich has a charging station in place already who officials could certainly consult with. And just as interesting would be the Folks supporting the Tesla super charger located in Orleans

If Chatham officials wish to save taxpayers money, now is the time to do so while the funds are available. EV's are well past the experimental stage and the train is moving quickly, just as it is doing with AI.

As far as pedestrians and bikers being hit, the drivers have their onboard computers availing and warning them of dangerous traffic situations

Alan Wirsu
USA - Sat 02/17/2024 - 20:18:19
Just to add another aspect to the Buckley discussion; does anyone remember that Joe Buckley Sr. died accidentally of drinking a dose of an agricultural chemical potion that he had mixed up and stored in a beer bottle in his refrigerator?
This came to me from John Pratt, who I think was working for Mr. Buckley at the time.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 02/17/2024 - 17:45:56
In Eastham, we do have some low income housing that is doing well; It certainly looks pretty dense to me, compared to the rest of Eastham with single family homes.
Has anyone checked with the Chatham Police to see how many calls they respond to at the various hotels and motels in Town? Compared to Lake Street ?

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 02/17/2024 - 17:19:15
Re EV charging:
In the case of Tesla super chargers, once in the ground and set up, indeed it is like going to a gas station. All Tesla's have on-board computers. The driver merely activates their screen which has a series of commands available, one of which is "charging". There is a electrical cord that runs from the Tesla equipment into the plug of the car, a no brainer.

The on-board Tesla system does the rest. It indicates your schedule start of charge, how many watts you are taking in as a function of time plugged in and the the cost is automatically sent via the web to a central Tesla control center. Then you are invoiced. Many of the super chargers are located at convenience stores like Wawa. I guess Wawa gets a small negotiated cut for allowing the equipment to be placed on the property. There are also level 2 charging stations where a deal must be worked with the utility company and the property owner.

Alan Wirsul
USA - Sat 02/17/2024 - 13:44:11
I have read the Chronicle regarding density of the lots to be developed. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with the Lake Street housing?
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 02/16/2024 - 19:02:52
I urge everyone to learn about the RFPs being presented to the SB Tuesday, February 20 5:30PM. Come out and ask questions, call in if you can't attend, write letters. The Affordable Houseing Trust has approved an RFP to be sent to developers with a minimum of 36 units for each property but has left the max number of units open to the developers' discretion ( 50, 60 units or more). If the developers come back with a plan and we don't like the number of units , we've been told we then have to go back to the town for the amount of money between what we want and what the developers decided to do. The makes no sense to me. Why not just tell the developers what we want and see their plan? We have been told few developers will look at a small developement. Well Brewster has a nice small affordable housing development with approx. 25 cottage style units. There are developers who will do what we want! Less density is best for the quality of life and desirabilty of these communities.

Check the SB agenda Monday or call Twon offices to confirm Tuesday's meeting. This is our Town, speak up and help preserve what's left of Chatham.

Carol Gordon <>
SOUTH CHATHAM, MA USA - Fri 02/16/2024 - 15:41:36
Richard - we are talking Chatham - not Eastham where you live, nor CBI, nor the military .
If you've read the Chronicle you'll understand the problem . Check the letters that were written against it. Constructing 70 units of affordable housing on less than 3 acres on the Buckley property is ridiculous.

WChatham, MA USA - Thu 02/15/2024 - 18:44:50
Oh wait! How about the number of people staying at the Chatham Bars Inn each night in the summer? Is that too many?
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 02/15/2024 - 18:27:24
I can talk density. How about 3500 men living on a Navy ship that is 900 feet long. I know it is not relevant to this discussion, but it was possible.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 02/15/2024 - 17:44:59
Just what is the problem with Lake Street in Chatham? This argument about density sounds so much like an argument Marcella Daniels would make in the 50's at Town Meeting about not wanting apartment houses in Chatham.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 02/15/2024 - 17:42:10
I find it interesting the West Chatham Association has been so quiet as well. So many people in West Chatham were so concerned about the airport, yet they are crickets when it comes to potentially letting the proposed area become another over developed area not keeping the character of our town. This is not a well thought out plan and not listening to the residents of both South and West Chatham is a mistake that will forever change our town.
Ed Mallowes <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/15/2024 - 09:06:26
I find it interesting that no one here has discussed the outrageous density proposed for the Buckley property for Affordable Housing. There have been letters to the Chronicle and today's issue says the AFH Committee is unwilling to listen to the public - they just want density. West Chatham and South Chatham are not the trial areas for these ridiculous oversized developments. We do not want another development like Lake Street. There are not enough year 'round jobs to offer the amount of folks in the amount of housing they are discussing. The West Chatham Association needs to get involved ASAP along with others that are against this ridiculous amount of development on the Buckley property.
West Chatham, MA USA - Wed 02/14/2024 - 19:46:06
Hard to believe that Ed Marinaro can be in his 70's! Time does fly by when you are having fun. I wonder what ever happened to him.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 02/14/2024 - 18:58:12
Due to interruptions to internet and power services caused by the weather conditions, the Chatham Select Board meeting will convene remotely at 5:30 p.m. for the sole purpose of opening and continuing two scheduled public hearings to February 20, 2024. No other items scheduled on this evening's agenda will be discussed. The Board will convene an additional meeting next week (date to be determined) to act upon those items originally scheduled for this evening's meeting.


Shanna Nealy
Executive Secretary to the Town Manager/Select Board

Shanna Nealy
Chatham , MA USA - Tue 02/13/2024 - 16:09:05
Ed Marinaro played for Cornell around 1970ish. Then played for the Vikings. Most will know him from the TV show Hill Street Blues. One of the best shows ever on TV.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 19:12:04
Actually, Ed Marinaro was a classmate of mine who later went on to play for some NFL team I'm told.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 17:25:19
Since Chatham High never had a football team after one Chatham player died from a head injury , (according to Dave Ryder, )I have never been a football fan. I saw one game at Cornell.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 17:11:37
How many electric vehicles will be hitting pedestrians since you can not hear them if you are a Biker, walker or runner. It will be like chum for sharks putting in chargers.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 14:29:10
Will they have regular 110 plugs for electric bikes?
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 14:24:00
@JudyP - I have no insight into how it will actually work at the Eldredge Garage, but it's definitely possible that the Town would get a cut of the EV charging revenue which could offset the original capital expenditure.
James J Dempsey
W.Chatham+Boxborough, MA USA - Mon 02/12/2024 - 13:44:18
Richard - news reported tonite the average price of a Super Bowl commercial is 7 million. I forgot the average amount folks bet. It's all about the money, the partying, and the food. I don't watch it - but kudos to those that can watch this for 4-5 hours.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sun 02/11/2024 - 19:15:12
In the big scheme of things, why is the Super Bowl so important to so many? A chance to pig out in front of the TV?
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 02/11/2024 - 18:52:43
That's what I was told today as well; however the taxpayers are paying for the stations. I don't agree with this.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sun 02/11/2024 - 17:14:07
AK, I believe they work in a similar fashion as gas pumps where you swipe your card to pay for your charge. I don't know anything about rates.
Tony Murphy
USA - Sun 02/11/2024 - 14:36:48
After reading the Mainsheet regarding the Eldrege Garage building, I was wondering if taxpayers will be responsible for the cost of charging EV cars . Does anyone know how that works?
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 02/11/2024 - 11:41:27
I support there three J's; Jared , John and James in their view that this erosion is not a burden on Morris Island or Stage Island that the Town of Chatham should bear.
When our lot was eroding here in Eastham there was no support from the Town., or any asked for. Now, in the short run, windblown sand has filled in some of the beach to the tune of 6 feet of added granular stuff over the last three years. No comments from the Town now either. As it should be.
You live near the beach ? Be prepared to deal with a loss, or gain.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 02/09/2024 - 19:33:55
I believe that 197 Tilipi Run was the home that was for sale for $25M a few years ago. (I think they eventually sold it for $14M) I would hate to have invested that kind of money and have the entire house threatened by erosion, but they must have realized that was a possiblility.
James J Dempsey
W.Chatham+Boxborough, MA USA - Fri 02/09/2024 - 09:23:42
Jared, when my home on Holway Street was threatened by erosion, I paid for the legal fight, the engineering of the revetment and the construction. It was a very heavy burden and a significant risk. I believe the same treatment pertains today.
The Quitnessett Association may choose to help the homeowner but the Town of Chatham does not have responsibility. The Town could eventually lose significant
tax revenue on Morris Island. With a rising sea level, access to that end of town might get to be like Lieutenant Island in Wellfleet. Mid-tide and lower only.

john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/08/2024 - 23:03:48
Dave, I don't see the Town bearing any responsibility in regards to Morris Island. Morris Island (with exception to federal lands) are under the control of the private Quitnessett Association. Regarding the property referenced in the news story, any erosion control would probably have to be worked out with FWS as they own the land below that property.

In Josh Nickerson's book, Days to Remember (compiled up to 1988), he ponders what will become of North and South Beaches. He says, "I believe the newly created island, currently being called South Beach, will attach itself to Monomoy, and there will again be quiet water between it and the mainland. But the northerly end of this South Beach will gradually erode, and the point of the North Beach will continue its way southward again. During this process there will again be erosion of the mainland and of Morris Island as the inlet moves south. But this process will take years, even decades, to accomplish nature's design."

Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/08/2024 - 20:06:35
Bill- there was a huge swath of land removed from Job Lot I noticed today driving by. Going up the airport road the Owen's house had half the front lawn removed. They are also removing a bunch of trees by the ACO building. I'm all for the bike path but in my opinion this is more than excessive.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/08/2024 - 19:08:39
The erosion at and around the Monomoy Wildlife area is terrible. In reading the CCC and the story about the 197 Tilipi Run home, I was unable to discern who's going to absorb the expense of the significant sheeting. Is that the homeowner or the Town?
Dave Mott <>
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 02/08/2024 - 10:04:32
I noticed a sign at Job-lot about bike path construction. Does anyone know what they are doing in this area in regards to the bike path?
Bill P
USA - Thu 02/08/2024 - 08:41:41
Very sad. Jeff was in my class. I knew Chris as well. Brandon was younger but still very sad. You never know when your last breath will be. Illness has a way of sneaking up on people when you least expect it. May they rest in peace.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Sat 02/03/2024 - 17:17:53
3 Chatham boys who were teens in the 70's died in the last few months.
Rip, Jeff, Brandon and Chris all just in their sixties.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 02/03/2024 - 13:05:12
Thanks John Whelan for the recipe for an Awful-Awful. I don't think I would have finished one, as at the time my stomach was kinda not challenged. I was on limited rations as a student.
By the way, Phyllis Tileston, rest her kind soul, was in a movie with Dave Ryder, back in the late 40's. Shot in Chatham. with the F/V Alice and Nancy. With the CG36500 in a scene or two. She played his wife, much to the dismay of my mother Alice Ryder. And a "summer kid" played my brother Bob.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 01/31/2024 - 17:45:31
Wayne - it's the sewer. We were told today the road will probably be closed tomorrow.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/31/2024 - 15:15:53
Anyone know what is going on at the Harbormasters?
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/29/2024 - 14:30:19
Thanks Richard and John. I think I would have enjoyed and Awful-Awful.
Thomas Doane <>
WEST CHATHAM, MA USA - Sun 01/28/2024 - 23:01:34
Tommy, an Awful Awful is just what Richard described. Maybe about 24 ounces.
Close to a pint of Milk, syrup for flavor, 2 scoops of ice cream. Black and
white Awful Awfuls were popular. Chocolate syrup and vanilla ice cream. I
preferred a white and black--vanilla syrup and chocolate ice cream. I don't
remember if I ever finished one. Some other company had copyrighted Awful Awful
and they sued Friendly's and won. The Awful Awful became the Fribble. Same
size, but less popular.

john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Sun 01/28/2024 - 20:58:43
By the way, Jimmy Cardoza was a Classmate of mine at Stockbridge. He majored in Horticulture, and later became the Head Gardener at the Hallmark Cards Crown Center in Kansas City.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 01/27/2024 - 20:18:01
Tommy Doane:
I was fortunate to go to Stockbridge Agricultural School in 1957, which was on the campus of UMASS Amherst. Tuition was $100 a semester. It was a two year school. I only got a Diploma back then, but was exposed to the various Friendly's in Western Mass. An Awful-Awful was a huge frappe, which was Awfully big and supposedly Awfully good. I think they considered it challenge if you could finish one. I never fell for the bait, as I wanted a good rare cheeseburger.
Like the ones that are served at the Cream and Cone in West Chatham. Hope they reopen!

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 01/27/2024 - 17:30:48
John & Richard: What are Awful-Awfuls?
Thomas Doane <>
WEST CHATHAM, MA USA - Sat 01/27/2024 - 16:28:04
Really good burgers, square on toast and Awful-Awfuls. My family loved
Friendly's. I met the Blake brothers a long time ago. I think they started
in Wilbraham.

john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 01/26/2024 - 18:13:18
Friendly's should have stuck to their original success story - good burgers, frappes and Awful-Awfuls. They got ahead of themselves by trying to expand the menu with a meager kitchen design, only set up for burgers and such , cooked quickly on a grille.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 01/26/2024 - 17:14:41
I loved going to breakfast at that H&K. I think I remember Mary working at Friendly's in Orleans. We used to go there on the way back to Chatham after baseball games.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/25/2024 - 18:18:20
I see J. Dubis and Sons from Chatham tearing down the Hearth and kettle in Orleans. That restaurant has been vacant for many years. We still miss it. One of our favorite servers was Mary Eldredge originally from Chatham.
The new tenant will be Chase Bank. Like there is a need for another bank in any Cape town?
When the former Chatham Trust Co. bank site is now vacant? Yes, I know they weren't the most recent tenant.
I had a passbook account in Chatham Trust when they were near the Brick Block in Downton Chatham. Still have some left.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 01/25/2024 - 17:53:14
As a former member of the Eastham CONSCOM, I would say they only have a concern about what happens to the resource area and the 100 foot buffer zone. Like, debris that could go in to the water, hazardous wastes, fluids, etc.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 01/24/2024 - 17:43:41
I successfully made Anadama Bread in our bread maker, and it tasted just like the bread from the former Haven's Meat Market in North Chatham. I was pleased as punch! Thank you, CHAT-M-Room, commenters! Today, I am trying a variation which adds oatmeal to the recipe. Can't wait to try it.
Carol <>
Loleta, CA USA - Wed 01/24/2024 - 15:24:19
Question concerning process. Now that the Transfer Station bids have coming in over budget and in excess of Town Meeting approve amount, what is next?
dan young <>
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/24/2024 - 07:57:57
Wouldn't the Conservation folks have to approve (the demolition) this since it's on the water? Maybe they did - but as usual it's suspect.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 18:32:04
Unfortunately , money talks. I just hope that no laws are being circumvented.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 17:54:11
Jared - Slowly ruining Chatham one house at a time. I hardly think that house needed any renovation. I'd like to know when he'll fix the eyesore he created on Bridge Street.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 17:50:27
If you take a trip down Shore Road, you'll see Dr. Aucoin's house has been leveled, courtesy of Dollar Bill. A house built in the 1980's and what some would consider of normal size. I can guess how much larger it's replacement will be.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 17:32:15
Jim: If you have information that you think the government is withholding, then you are protected by "whistleblower laws".
Go for it !
The last time I drank with an Army officer,( a young drafted 1st LT) it was in Vietnam at the bar on the roof of our" quarters" in Rach Gia. Look it up. A wonderful fishing village.
We both agreed that we , the US, should not be in Vietnam.
I do not plan to accept your kind offer of a debate at the Squire.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 17:13:10
Richard, I am 100% with you!!! I agree on the disinformation out there - especially when government leans on private entities to stifle, bury, or flat-out ban critical information.

How about this: I'll come up and you and I can debate this at the Squire a month before the election. We'll sell tickets and the benefits got to John H and various charities. I'm astounded at the lack of critical information from the media up here.

You're a philanthropic man with a wonderful heart. We'll have a lot of fun.

USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 16:30:49
Jim P is also not alone.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 13:49:54
Richard, you are not alone.
Judith Winters <>
Harwich, MA USA - Tue 01/23/2024 - 11:41:31
Goodness knows I could respond to JimP, but I won't .
I will wait until we get much closer to Election time, maybe a week away, when I will fire my cannons.

At the risk of being excommunicated from this site, suffice it to say I am deeply concerned about the disinformation that is out there..

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 01/22/2024 - 17:26:01
No problem Jim! I know it can be hard.
Tony Murphy
USA - Mon 01/22/2024 - 11:30:17
Understood Tony.
USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 22:02:45
The great thing about this chat room is that usually National politics is avoided
Tony Murphy
USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 20:09:43
Exactly Richard. It is just that the Texas governor didn't ask for them all like you guys do up here. How many are you hosting?
USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 19:20:30
For those who are from fishing families, this coming Wednesday at at the Provincetown Senior Center, there will be a showing of a documentary called "I Wanna Go Fishin" about the life of a fisherman from the 50's until the 70's. Free.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 18:56:59
JimP: probably the same number as your Texas Governor.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 17:23:26
Paying for illegals costs money. Texas shouldn't have to foot the bill for the Country.

How many has Governor Healy put in her mansion?

USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 16:34:44
Another state-wide tax hike proposal on rentals, AGAIN, yet another 1% hike, up to the town, er, the town President, uh, I mean Manager, right? (Those who rent out their primary homes should be EXEMPT from ALL of this tax, but are not.)
Melissa R <>
Chatham , MA USA - Sun 01/21/2024 - 13:02:41
Did anyone see in the Chronicle the request by the Bikeways Committee for $89K to hire (yet) another consultant to figure out a design for 300' for a shared multipurpose path? What a ridiculous waste of money. We have enough employees that are paid well enough to figure this out without hiring more consultants. By the way - the request was buried at the bottom of the article talking about requests for CPA funding. $89,000 to study a design for 300' for the bike path. Let that sink in.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 01/19/2024 - 19:40:37
Thank you Steve, Judy and Tony for telling me and everyone a bout the conditions at the dump! I am there several times a week for six months, so I should have been more aware of the working conditions etc. I even voted for it! Sometimes the summer people aren't nice or able to follow the rules from what I have observed. I apologize.
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Fri 01/19/2024 - 19:04:03
Victoria, are you related to Nancy Chase, my high school classmate?
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 01/19/2024 - 17:34:50
John, I thought the Town did or had plans to put a lien on the property when they started cleaning up he Debris away from the road.
Tony Murphy
USA - Fri 01/19/2024 - 09:02:03
Chicky Clark's auto salvage place was known as Midnight Auto Sales, where one could access the back of his lot from the former railroad right of way if I am not mistaken. I have used auto salvage yards (Blonders in Waterford, Ct ) where I paid to take the parts I needed from various vehicles but I never stole anything from the Clarks.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 18:57:33
32 Mill Hill Road has been a rat infested hell hole for years. The town finally cleared the road of his trash and debris, then put up a barrier. None of these measures have stopped the pile from growing. He still regularly impedes traffic with vehicles. The fire department has been to the property at least once to put out a fire that was started overnight. The police have been called repeatedly, and he has been ticketed. There was also a fight in the street at 2:30 AM last year between two "guests " of the residence. The same problems happen down at the river on a regular basis. The town brought in the DEP to investigate further. I'm told they are still waiting on a report.
Victoria Chase <>
South Chatham , MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 18:52:57
Bill - Chris had told me this past summer there were folks interested in buying it. I see his brother there trying to clean it up. He's got quite the task ahead of him.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 18:26:39
I wonder what will happen to Clarks property now that Chris passed away.
Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 17:45:10
Hoarding is a very serious issue for Chatham and Eastham residents.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 17:30:12
Can anyone answer my question about the possibility of a lien on the property?
john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 16:58:11
32 Mill Hill Road has been a rat infested hell hole for years. The town finally cleared the road of his trash and debris, then put up a barrier. None of these measures have stopped the pile from growing. He still regularly impedes traffic with vehicles. The fire department has been to the property at least once to put out a fire that was started overnight. The police have been called repeatedly, and he has been ticketed. There was also a fight in the street at 2:30 AM last year between two "guests " of the residence. The same problems happen down at the river on a regular basis. The town brought in the DEP to investigate further. I'm told they are still waiting on a report.
Victoria Chase <>
South Chatham , MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 16:40:15
Debris all over you're yard can cause rodent infestation and drive down your neighbors property values. Not to mention that this particular person ran out of room on his own land and was starting to store junk in the road.
Tony Murphy
USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 12:07:44
How does Mill Hill "mess" create a health hazard or how is it a danger to anyone. It is private property.
Cynthia Moore
South Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/18/2024 - 08:24:53
Has anyone been watching the work being done at 552 Orleans Road, on Frost Fish Creek right next to Route 28? Steep embankment (a cliff, really) has been denuded of the trees and vegetation that previously stabilized it, and it is eroding into the marsh and creek. Recent high course tides and high winds have made it worse. I doubt that you or I could get away with that...
Bob F. <>
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 23:35:08
There are at least three similar sites in Eastham, where in one instance the owner has taken two lots and filled them with treasures from either the Eastham Swap Shop or the metal pile. And a two car garage. His car is filled to the brim with stuff he considers valuable. (He used to volunteer at the Swap Shop until the women volunteers kicked him out.) He has an Amazing amount of stuff. I could conduct a Treasure Tour of the sites here. I feel for the neighbors.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 17:36:21
I have wondered why Chatham puts up with the trash at Mill Hill Road. It has gone on for years after multiple complaints. The Board of Health must have the right to place a lien on the property if it is not cleaned up. Hard ball might
be the only way to get the mess cleared away.

john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 16:55:59
Steve - I would think the Town would also recognize the mess on Mill Hill Road they have been ignoring forever. There is no excuse for the garbage that continues to grow there and at the end of Barn Hill Road. This as well, would never be tolerated in North Chatham. One of the residents of Mill Hill Road spoke at a Board of Health Meeting and it just fell on deaf ears. This is what you get when you appoint and elect folks that can't or won't do their jobs.
West Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 15:04:34
Steve - Same with the disgusting mess on Mill Hill Road that residents of that road have to live with. It's interesting to see the "powers that be" ignore this stuff and it is more than disgusting. As you said, North Chatham would NEVER put up with this. One of the residents of Mill Hill Road said this at a meeting and he was absolutely correct. It fell on deaf ears.
West Chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 15:00:14
It is the towns duty to provide a safe non toxic transfer station. There is no reason why the town can not provide a facility that is on par with other facilities across the commonwealth that will operate unobtrusively and safely for the users, employees and the surrounding neighborhoods. You can bet that this "dump" would not be tolerated for a NewYork minute if it was located in North Chatham.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Wed 01/17/2024 - 08:01:56
Richard, Iran was a cosmopolitan "western-style" country into the '70's. Very modern and wealthy. Moderate views. Jimmy Carter believed the CIA was way too powerful and he and Stansfield Turner gutted the Agency of its top 500 people during the early days of his presidency. This move gutted our intelligence capacity and predictability for years and we never saw the fundamentalist Islamic revolution under Khomenie grew in power and ultimately depose the Shah. We were also powerless to counter it.

That inevitably led to the massive rift in the region (Levant/Magreb) during which the Islamic schism started to break out into open warfare amongst the factions as to who will be the 12th (forget the Muslim term at the moment - but supreme Imam).

Remember, Islam literally means "Obey." They will not be happy until Israel and the Great Sataan (us) are removed from the earth). They believe it is their Allah-given duty.

USA - Tue 01/16/2024 - 21:38:05
Richard, they still are among some people.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/16/2024 - 19:56:16
Gulls used to be called "dump ducks".
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/16/2024 - 17:18:43
When I was stationed at the Groton, CT. Submarine base in the late 1970's, there were Iranian Navy people being trained by our submarine force people. They were inside our subs!
Now, Iranians are our enemy. What went wrong? Should we not have engaged them in the first place? JimP might have some input.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/16/2024 - 17:05:51
I remember going to the dump with my mom in the late 60's, early 70's, when we used my dad's homemade trailer to take the 10+ barrels there. That was before plastic trash bags (at I remember,) were common. What a mess! I don't understand why now I can get all the trash from six cottages in back of my station wagon...And the dirt road thru the dump which was often moved was a challenge!
J Hallgren (as user)
Clearwater , FL USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 20:05:43
Steve the stench you talk about. I doubt it compares to the stench from the 80's. I lived on west pond road back then. Loved me some dump smell. Remember the seagulls at the dump, that was fun.

Actually I can't comment on the dump anymore as I don't bother going and just pay to have it picked up.

Bill P
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 19:01:45
Yes there are some old timers on this Room who can compose an entry that is relevant , even to the younger viewers. Charlie's daughter (one of several) Stella Robie was once a classmate of mine, but I don't know whatever happened to her.
I think Charlie Robie was what would be considered on welfare, but was being paid to do a job that most would not want.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 18:47:45
Richard, I had my flash light under 410 shotgun.
Wayne <>
West Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 17:51:44
The Transfer Station is a far cry from the Dump that Charlie Robie oversaw in the 40's & maybe 50's, when rats ran rampant and his pigs ate the best of what they could find. We could go there at night with a flashlight strapped to a 22 rifle and shoot away.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 17:44:53
No problem Emily!! Many don't realize how awful it is until the winter. Time for the fix to be done and to hopefully clean it up and let the workers have a place they can be proud of.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 15:35:56
Thank you Steve, Judy and Tony for telling me and everyone a bout the conditions at the dump! I am there several times a week for six months, so I should have been more aware of the working conditions etc. I even voted for it! Sometimes the summer people aren't nice or able to follow the rules from what I have observed. I apologize.
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 14:58:30
You know- I can't help being angry that folks are calling out tbe cost of fixing this place up - yet how many folks didn't have an issue with the funding for the Taj Mahal for a COA? This shows you just how out of touch our priorities are. Do those poor guys at the transfer station have a decent lunchroom? How about lockers? How about heat to warm up? They have to babysit taxpayers who continually throw pizza boxes and other disgusting crap into the wrong bins. It's time to make this a priority instead of wasting more time and money on a COA that has been voted down numerous times. The employees there deserve better than what they have been putting up with for years.
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 10:29:26
Judy and Steve are absolutely right the conditions at the transfer station are appalling and dangerous for the men who work there! The town employees at the transfer station are extremely friendly and helpful and deserve the kind of work environment that is safe!
Tony Murphy
USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 09:37:11
Emily, The redesign is not a "gussy up " issue. The station was put together in 1994 and has been piece mealed many times since then. There is no other town on the Cape that has such an outdated, unsafe, toxic, noisy and inefficient transfer station. The safety issues alone are appalling. There are no bollards in front of the tipping building to prevent a vehicle from driving or backing into a person dropping trash into the building. The floor of the building is a swamp where contaminated water sits and festers and drains to who knows where. The Cockle Cove aquifer runs right under the property. The stench from the building in the summertime gets blown on the SW wind right into the West Pond neighborhood and the board of Health does nothing about it. The noise from the loader is a near constant affront to any home in the area. Chatham's dirty secret
is the transfer station and the town officishould be ashamed.

steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 08:46:25
Emily, The redesign is not a "gussy up " issue. The station was puttogether in 1994 and has been piece mealed many times since then. There is no other town on the Cape that has such an outdated, unsafe, toxic, noisy and inefficient transfer station. The safety issues alone are appealing. There are no bollards in front of the tipping building to prevent a vehicle from driving or backing into a person dropp8ng trash into the building. The floor of the building is a swamp where contaminated water sits and festers and drains to who knows where. The Cockle Cove aquifer runs right 7nder the property. The stench from the building in the summertime gets blown on the SW wind right into the West Pond neighborhood. The board of Health does nothing about it. Chatham's dirty secret
is the transfer station and the town officishould be ashamed.

steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 08:43:31
I thought we approved the money for the ugrade a few years ago at Town Meeting? Why has this taken so long? And now - look at the price! Those poor guys that work there are the friendliest, most helpful folks - and they have been outside in the nasty weather forever. Now they have a shack they can escape the elements with a sheet of plastic hung over the door. The conditions are horrific for them. Wesson & Sampson know they have a goldmine here in this town. We never had to hire outside companies because employees did the work. Granted, there are some tasks they are needed for - but most likely not to the extent we are utilizing them. I think it's time the Town Manager 's decision are more closely scrutinized. For someone making over $200K per year, taxpayers deserve to know what the heck constitutes this outrageous expense.,
W. Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/15/2024 - 07:31:07
Could someone please explain why the "transfer station" needs to be gussied up with a 3 million dollar building? I am appalled by the cavalier spending of this town.
Emily Cunningham <>
Rancho Mirage, CA USA - Sun 01/14/2024 - 18:11:49
Selectman Schell suggested that the low bidder provide his detailed estimate so the town can know where the increases came from. Not a chance that the contractor would provide that info. Not in a million years. Weston and Sampson created the estimate, they have some splaining to do
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Sun 01/14/2024 - 17:41:10
The transfer station bids were opened but the bidders were not identified. I'm going to request these documents that are public knowledge.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Sun 01/14/2024 - 17:34:28
I now have the complete listings of all the Surfmen and Coast Guards men that ever served at any of the 13 Cape Cod LSS/USCG Stations. If you send me a name by email , I can determine where and when your man served. (There were no women, unfortunately.) Some men moved around, and did serve at different Stations.
I believe that Chatham and Nantucket were the only two towns in the US that had 4 USLSS Stations each. This is kind of special, as there were only about 260 Stations nationwide.
Richard R.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 01/13/2024 - 17:44:45
Saw the movie "The Boys In The Boat " this evening in Wellfleet. I think it is playing at the Orpheum as well. Beautifully done - highly recommend it. Based on a true story - like The Finest Hours.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/09/2024 - 19:43:50
Got one from Tony Murphy, my brother-in-law. Thanks to Tony and all others who tried to help.
john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Tue 01/09/2024 - 16:59:56
John, there is a '91-'92 listed on Ebay today.
Dick Fulcher <>
Chatham MA 02633, MA USA - Tue 01/09/2024 - 07:52:05
Sylvia, 1991-1992---a small blue button with no year on it.
john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 19:08:10
John, what was the first year they had the buttons? We have one 1992-1993.
Sylvia Fulcher <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 18:30:59
They (PFarm) must have dropped it, as it was not favorable or fair to women to quote "Anna, damn her." Tell me if I am wrong. The name supposedly came from a man's quote. We need to get by this kind of misogny.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 17:48:56
First Night Buttons-First Night Chatham has come and gone and I did my annual
inventory of First Night pins. I have 2 sets of every First Night pin except
the very first one. Only one of the original pin and I am trying to acquire
a second one. A number of pins to trade if anyone is interested. I have some Art
of Charity pins available also, plus some 80-years Chatham Band pins. I would
also be willing to purchase that first pin if reasonable.

john whelan <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 15:13:30
My very favorite Pepperidge Farm bread was cornmeal molasses which was discontinued years ago. Sounds like what Cynthia Moore mentioned.
Jill James <>
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 09:52:01
I had an Anadama bread recipe that was dark. It came from a bread machine book and contained cornmeal & molasses. Original Anadama was sold by Pepperidge Farm and was a lighter colored bread.
Cynthia Moore
South Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/08/2024 - 08:01:40
ANADAMA Bread was actually sold in wrapped packages in my memory. Not sure who the bakers were. The Internet has many references to it.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sun 01/07/2024 - 17:03:59
Seems to me it was similar to ANADAMA Bread.
Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Sat 01/06/2024 - 16:31:38
Patty Gyolai (Wescott) owns that recipe and still makes the bread (I believe). A couple of years ago she was taking bread orders on Facebook and there was a lot of interest.
Jared Fulcher
Chatham, MA USA - Sat 01/06/2024 - 16:05:21
Does anyone on CHAT-M-Room have the recipe for oatmeal bread that was made for sandwiches at the former Haven's Meat Market in North Chatham?

Happy New Year to All!

Loleta, CA USA - Sat 01/06/2024 - 12:54:49
Lonny did a water color painting of the two planes I trained in back in 1966.
Dick Fulcher <>
Chatham MA 02633, MA USA - Fri 01/05/2024 - 07:25:13
I own Lonnys painting of the Model T and the J3 Cub flying over the beach and I also have a spectacular painting I had him do for one of my Dad's birthdays. It's a painting of a GeeBee flying around a pyl9n at the Bendix race.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/04/2024 - 18:45:23
Steve, yes Lonnie did paint a picture of the Passion Wagon and it was sold at the yard sale at the airport this past fall.
Barry and Sylvia <>
Chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/04/2024 - 12:55:53
Did Lonny ever paint Passion Wagon?
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/04/2024 - 10:39:44
Great history of PassionWagon.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/04/2024 - 10:36:17
Richard, The longstanding goose rule is that the leader always has the biggest honker.
steve jesus <>
chatham, MA USA - Thu 01/04/2024 - 10:29:58
Driving by the ball park in Orleans this morning there was a HUGE flock of Canada Geese there, eating the grass. And providing fertilizer. I wonder who the lead goose is?
Does he or she decide where they go next? Or do they have a committee? Or a Select Board?
I rather think it is one old goose that sets the travel schedule. The rest are OK with being followers.

Richard R. <>
Eastham, MA USA - Tue 01/02/2024 - 16:51:12
I was down Harding's Beach this morning and the duck hunters were digging 2 holes in the sand on shore not far from the 2nd parking lot. Too close for comfort IMHO.....Be careful ...HNY!
Chatham, MA USA - Mon 01/01/2024 - 13:42:38
Better than a dull line

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