Last five posts from the CHAT-M-Room (Town Common) are:

Not to negate Ms. Gibbs well written piece, but also, the ospreys arrive just in time to be able to feast on herring.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Fri 05/03/2024 - 20:14:22
With an unexpected last minute Town Counsel (TC) AH legal opinion,two questions need to be answered as to why the public will NEVER see any proposals for the Buckley Property and Meetinghouse until AFTER the developer is chosen.(1)April 23 Dean Nicastro asked why RFP review has to occur behind closed doors since "all the time Orleans, Harwich and Brewster are discussing their proposals for AH all over the papers". TC didn't address address the inconsistency, only saying "by inference" in the law it was his "view".(2)The SB voted April 23 NOT to give sole authority to the AH Trust since Costello(TC) acknowledged it was for "practical- not legal" reasons. He didn't address why it was therefore appropriate and legal for appointed (not elected) AH Trustees to meet in ES alone-without the Select Board present.The "very last to know" public only learned Tuesday that TC Costello is retiring on June 30. We're following advice on the most impactful issue facing Chatham when, having been involved in the long AH history, he won't be around to negotiate terms of a Purchase and Sale-including the Deed Transfer Conditions of the land and writing a substantial check. Nothing about this process is transparent. On April 29 AH Trustee Chair Schell-with no explanation-passed over both Agenda I:"Public Announcements/Agenda Item Requests" and II."Comments from the Chair" before going into ES. Pretty bold. Allowing public requests and a public statement addressing public exclusion moving forward would have been in order.Chatham residents will have to live with the consequences "in perpetuity" of decisions made, at the mercy of seven appointed trustees whose sole priority is maximum density- and fast. We're being treated differently than other towns and we should know why.
Elaine B Gibbs <>
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 05/03/2024 - 09:01:04
Has anyone noticed the blooming of the Shad Bush and the coincidental arrival of the fish at the herring runs? Herring are not as low life as some might think. They get imprinted on the fresh water they are spawned in, and somehow know to return some years later. Mini brains but super capable navigators.
Richard Gould Ryder <>
Eastham, MA USA - Thu 05/02/2024 - 17:42:18
We elected these people. Mr Schell and Ms Davis have an obvious conflict of interest in pushing this - along with strings being pulled by Mr Oppenheim. Two members of the Select Board should NOT be calling the shots of the AHT. It's time for residents to smarten up and see the damage these people are doing to our town. Please re-elect Mr Metters and Mr Nicastro who genuinely have our best interests at heart and think about replacing Mr Schell and company next year (or before) when their terms are up. They will make Chatham an absolute mess if continue to get their way. This is not a transparent form of government. These are sneaky, dangerous people .
W. Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 09:38:21
For residents, voters and taxpayers who will be directly impacted 'in perpetuity", we only learned Tuesday that review of RFPs received yesterday,the review and final decision of who the developer will be for the Affordable/Attainable housing for the Buckley property and Meetinghouse, will instead be made behind closed doors in Executive Sessions by the AH Trustees an the Select Board alone. The AH Trustees wanted sole authority to make the decision. That should never happen. They are appointed- not elected. Despite assurances otherwise, the public will NOT be permitted to participate in any open public discussion-to see the proposals, ask questions about potential developers credentials, proposed elevation and layout designs, density, water usage, parking, traffic implications, percentage of 1,2 and 3 bedrooms and their AMI unit deed restrictions, local preference for town residents, full time vs workforce housing units, whether there will be market rate for those who don't qualify for AH, costs of each proposal to taxpayers, or apparently the conditions negotiated on the land Deed Transfer to the chosen developer BEFORE a decision is made, It is, in my view, a serious failure of the process, a total lack of transparency, and shows utter disdain for all Chatham residents who will be expected to live with the consequences, the impact on our town forever, and pay the bill.
Chatham, MA USA - Fri 04/26/2024 - 07:37:58